P. 6

‘Talents cannot be taught, but

   it can be awakened’

   I strongly believe that God has

   gifted every individual with a

   unique talent, and what we do

   with, is our gift back to God.

   VMHSS offers a platform to

   express and enrich the hidden

   talents of its students through

   the pages of the school news                        Our students excel in every field,

   letter. Basking in its new year of                  be it academics, sports, arts,

                                                       creativity or social service. In the
   glory, our school stands as the
                                                       year 2018-2019, our school has
   Epitome of success, hard work,
                                                       got many outstanding students in
   determination, love, joy, and
                                                       10 and 12th standard.
   service to mankind. With new
   goals set each year, our school                               When we blend the special

   never fails to rise up to the                       talents of our students with

   challenges and conquer victory.                     service to others, we experience

                                                       the ecstasy and exultation of our

                                                       own spirit, which is the goal of our

                                                       ‘Bio Dynamic Velammal’. We have

                                                       banned plastics in our school as a

                                                       small step in our goal in making

                                                       ‘Surapet environment clean and

                                                       green by the year 2021’.


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