P. 93
Next year will mark the 20th anniversary Once Lock down is fully lifted and life returns to normal, do you have
of your debut album, “The Codex Necro”. any touring plans? Are there any countries/festivals/venues that you
Do you have any plans to commemorate particularly want to play?
this milestone, and looking back, what do
you feel that albums legacy is in not only Well, we don’t have any specific plans for that either, because at the moment I don’t feel
your own story, but in terms of Extreme able to make any plans in good faith. As things stand, I’ve no confidence at all in there
Metal as a whole? being any safe time that we can look towards and say ‘yeah, that’s when we can book
some shows for’. And don’t forget that for us to even be in the same place, we have to
book potentially non-refundable flights, and all that kind of headache inducing crap. So I’d
Will it? Yeah I suppose it will. No, we haven’t got like to think that eventually we’ll be able to play more shows, of course – we may not be
any plans at the moment. I mean, obviously it’s Motorhead, but playing live has been a big part of our existence for a long time, and we’ve
not like we can plan a tour where we’ll play all, or never stopped appreciating the opportunities it represents and brings, as well as the
more, songs from that album, because we can’t exhilaration of doing it. But being any more specific than that just seems like childish
plan tours at all. And I don’t think we’d particularly naivety to me at the moment. Shit situation, but there you are. As for particularly wanting
want to do that. There can be a tendency in metal to play, a few I suppose. We were just starting talks with our US agent about a big show in
music to be nostalgic, but we aren’t. We’ve spent Colombia when the pandemic hit and everything got canceled. And if that’d have worked,
twenty years getting better at writing songs, as far it’d have likely been a keystone for more shows in South America and probably Mexico.
as we’re concerned, and now we have a new album. So it’d be good to be able to consider all that again. And on a much more local level, I
So we don’t feel all that motivated to dwell on another think Mick would like to play Donnington – we’ve played at a number of the really big metal
Album we recorded twenty years ago when we were festivals like Hell fest and Wacken, so it’d be cool to finally be able to do the one that’s just
twenty years less good at making music. All the up the road from where we grew up.
same, that’s not to say that we distance ourselves
from what we did in the past, it’s just a matter of
doing the best thing we can. That’ll often include
things from our past, but it’d seem a bit lacking in
confidence in what we’ve done since to cleave unto
old stuff exclusively. Then again, maybe once we’ve
thought about it a bit more we’ll feel differently –
my response probably demonstrates that we we’re
particularly aware of it, and I don’t like saying never.
But at the moment, at least, there are no particular