P. 89
You guys have a new album,
“Endarkenment” out. How did the writing
and recording process for this album go?
Quickly and idiosyncratically, I suppose you could
say. The way we work is fairly unusual, because we
record everything ourselves. Mick writes all the
music alone at home in California. He does that at
a quite astonishing speed. And then although I’m
always writing lyrics and gathering ideas, I don’t
put them together with the music until we get
together to record the vocals. We don’t tend to use
traditional studios, so for Endarkenment, Mick flew
over and we used an industrial unit on an estate
here in Birmingham. And despite the lack of frills,
that was a cool environment to work in, amidst the
other units with a brewery, a greasy spoon cafe, a
Saab garage and a porn studio, we had 24 hours
access and could essentially lock ourselves away
with no windows and a dimly lit room. It was great
for removing distractions and focusing.
You’ve released two music videos for this
record, one for the title track and one
for “The Age of Starlight Ends” Why did
you choose these two tracks as the lead
singles, and how did the creation of the
videos come about?
Well making a video for the title track, which
is also the first track on the album, seemed an
obvious choice. And it’s a ‘single’ kind of song –
memorable, representative of the album both
musically and thematically, not too long, and so
on. It captures the main thrust of the album well As for The Age of Starlight Ends, well most of those things are true of that song too, so it
whilst also leaving room for other songs to have made sense for similar reasons. But also the lyrics seemed to suit the format well – there
expansions and surprises. And of obviously it goes are lines that poke out and grab your attention, and there’s depth there to get your teeth
without saying that we think it’s a brilliant song. into if that’s how you like to approach things.