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heart and vascular system health, improved
fitness in all areas and provides an additional WORKOUT 2 concentrating on planting through the WENTWORTH AT HOME
energy burn. However, it does not sustain heel, drive the right leg out backwards,
muscle mass so is not an ideal replacement bending your left knee and dropping
for requirement number 2. For truly BENCH DIP your left hip. Keep your torso angled
effective fat loss, meet the 2 primary slightly forward, not bolt upright with all YOUR GOLF
requirements and do all the cardiovascular Use a small step, edge of bed, of your weight going through the left
training (within reason) that you wish or or a sturdy chair. heel. Reach your arms out to gently
better still, train to achieve something touch either side of the top of your left Golf Academy Manager Tom Godwin is here to help keep your game in nick
(faster, further, more explosive) rather than Start by sitting at the very edge calf whilst ensuring your left knee
just steady state monotonous energy burn. with legs extended straight in front doesn’t travel significantly past the toes
and toes up.
of the same foot. As soon as the right
One last point and one that comes up a lot knee almost touches down, drive back
that will likely please or sadden in equal Place your hands on the edge of the up to the start position and repeat on
measure. You are not going to be gaining step right next to your hips. Lift off and same leg for 10-20 repetitions. 2
muscle mass whilst in an effective sustained lower your body downwards staying as seconds up and 2 down. Repeat with
dietary deficit. You body already doesn’t close to the step as possible. Your legs right leg.
have enough energy to survive so it has no may bend a touch but your feet should
resources to generate new bodymass. not move. Stay close to step and lower SIDE PL ANK
Particularly muscle which once attained until upper arms are almost horizontal.
requires more energy to just exist. The Reverse motion until elbows are almost Lie on your right side with your legs side
human body will not compromise its own locked out. Do not move your body by side atop one another. Prop yourself
survival (and it is survival – there’s not forward of step during up down up using your right elbow and forearm
enough food) by ‘growing’ and needing motion. with your elbow directly below your
more energy in a time of famine regardless shoulder and straighten your body until
of how hard you exercise or how heavy you Lower over 3 seconds and raise it is totally rigid resting between only
lift. for 2 until no more repetitions can the right elbow/forearm and outside of
be completed. the right foot. Hold solid for 30-60
Resistance work is a requirement in order to seconds and repeat with left side.
try and mitigate muscle loss during the BACKWARD LUNGE REPE AT COMPLETE
deficit though there will likely be some Stand with arms by your side. Keeping SEQUENCE OF THREE
muscle loss regardless. So, what to do? all your weight on your left leg E XERCISES 1-2 MORE TIMES
Well, the good news for all you cardio fiends
is that you don’t need machines to burn
energy. Fast walking, jogging, running, even ven though the golf courses and
a real bicycle can all be used to your heart’s practise areas are currently closed, it
content...... once per day of course, adhering doesn’t mean you can’t continue to QUICK & EASY GOLF TIPS
to social distancing rules etc. Eimprove your game. It’s not about
how many balls you hit on the range; TO TRY AT HOME
One these pages, I’ve put together a few technique can be improved anywhere at
simple examples of some resistance-based any time. From practising your putting in
workouts using your bodyweight. the garden, to aiming towards household MANAGING TORQUE
objects for your short game. There are also Sit in a chair, spreading your feet into a wide stance. Keep them flat
Please feel free to surf the net for other lots of drills that build on the ‘feel’ of the
bodyweight exercise programs, Pilates swing, and there is even a video I’ve done for on the ground and hold a 7/8 iron in front of you. Raise the club over your
classes, Yoga and all manner of innovative, you about general golf course management. head and rest the shaft across your shoulders, then turn your shoulders to
interesting workout protocols. There are I hope to encourage you to find your own the right. Hold this position for a few seconds. The idea here is to feel some
some brilliant examples out there, while we golf inspiration at home, whatever it may torque on your left side. Keep repeating until you get the hang of it.
will keep adding more to the Wentworth At be, until Wentworth Golf Club can welcome
Home section of the Private Members’ you back to business as usual.
Start with learning to throw a golf ball
A workout like this still needs to follow the sidearm into a net or down the garden as Lower yourself to your knees. Hold a ball between your hands out in front
rules of recovery. More isn’t always better fast and as far as you can. When you have of you, and then start swinging the ball back and forth. This should make
and hard but infrequent is generally more mastered this, find a heavier ball to throw, you more aware of where your hands, arms, and shoulders are, and whether
result producing than easy and every day. like a baseball or a cricket ball. The weightier they are in sync with your swing.
ball will help build the throwing muscles in
Something like this 2-3 days per week, the forearm which will help add speed into
striving to do more reps or time on each set the golf club. Never just swing your arms to DISTANCE CONTROL
would be about right. Keep intense or high practice without some kind of golf club or
impact cardio to 2-3 days per week unless weight in your hands - just swinging your Try setting a golf ball on top of a coin, and putt a second ball toward the
you’re well versed. Less intense cardio work arms doesn’t give you the right feel of a golf first ball so they touch. Just make sure this doesn’t knock the first ball off
can be done daily if you wish but still think swing, always practice with some weight in of the penny. This is a very challenging exercise, but the idea is to try it from
of the impact on your body if you’re not your hands. various distances in order to improve distance control. Pretty soon, targeting
used to it and take rest days appropriately. the ball will become second nature, and you will gain more accuracy.
Enjoy the video’s and see you all soon.
Good luck, and see you soon.
he Club
30 / The Club SPRING 2020 WINTER 2019 WENTWORTHCLUB.COM 27 / The Club