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WENTWORTH AT HOME                                                                     WENTWORTH AT HOME

 WENTWORTH AT HOME   that run without trying so hard, an adaptation    WORKOUT 1

           by  your  body  to  find  a  way  of  wasting
           (burning) less energy so over time the energy
 YOUR FITNESS  cost  of  each  run  becomes  less.  You  didn’t          PUSH UPS
           think  your  body  increased  your  fitness  to
           benefit you did you? Nope, your body’s goal
           is always to find the least stressful way to live
                                                  Push up off your knees if necessary. Slowly lower your body as far as you can
           off as little energy as is necessary for survival.   with a straight torso between either feet and shoulders or, if on knees, between
 Our Head of Gym Gideon Coe has a few helpful hints & workouts to keep you fit  Burning extra is more effort and wear on the   knees and shoulders. Push up fast, around 70% max speed and lower in double
           system  and,  just  as  driving  to  work  is  more
           appealing than cycling, the less the better.  the time per rep (about 1 second up and 2 down). continue in this fashion (don’t
                                                 race) until total muscle failure (where you cannot perform another repetition).
           What  about  the  skinny  people  I  see  in  the
           gym? You’re making the mistake of assuming                  FREE SQUAT
           that’s  why  they  look  how  they  do.  Did  you
           see them a short time ago 30lbs heavier only   With your legs slightly wider than shoulder width and feet slightly flared
           to  miraculously  slim  down?  Assumption   outwards, slowly drop into a squat as deep as you can to where your hip joint is
           regarding  exercise  (or  anything)  can  often   the same level as your knees keeping the weight of your body on both heels
           lead  to  the  wrong  conclusions.  A  Track   with feet flat. Simultaneously move your arms forward as necessary during
           cyclist’s huge legs are no more the result of   descent. Push through your heels and rise up to almost complete lockout over
           extensive bike riding than basketball players   2 seconds. Lower over 3 (one Mississippi etc.). Aim for 20-40 reps. Don’t race
           are tall because they bounce a ball well. Most
           Track  cyclists  train  extensively  with  heavy     ABDOMINAL DOUBLE CURL
           weights and squat regularly with over double
           their   bodyweight.   They’re   effectively   Lie on the floor or mat face up, knees tucked toward chest,
                                                                     hands supporting head.
           strength athletes who happen to ride a bike,
           albeit, brilliantly. Try Googling ‘Sir Chris Hoy   Lift both the lower body and upper body toward each other as if you
           squatting’ and you’ll see what I mean.  are trying to touch your knees to your ears. Let the elbows go outside the
                                                  knees and contract hard at the point of no further movement. Slowly return
           For those of you dumbstruck by my audacity   to the point where your thighs are vertical and your upper back touches down
           and  apparent  discourtesy  toward  a  regular   and repeat. Take around 4 seconds to lift ad 4 to lower. Squeeze as hard
           gym  practice  that  has,  perhaps,  served  you   as you can at the top and aim for 10-15 reps.
           well for years; this is not aimed at you. You
           know as well as I do that your well maintained
           physical self is not the result of merely adding   REPE AT COMPLETE SEQUENCE OF THREE
           moderate  intensity  cardio  training  to  a         E XERCISES 1-2 MORE TIMES
 o, you want to get in shape but your   first time is total control over what you do.   Three  times  per  week  and  you’ll  be  just   haphazard  (read,  normal)  lifestyle.  Nor  did
 beloved gym just closed down along   You get to call all the shots.  over 1000Kcals in credit - or so you think.   you likely start out with pounds to lose only
 with  the  rest  of  the  world.  All  is  far   Now, factor in the fact that you were going
 Sfrom lost as you now have far more   What  if  you  were  to  come  out  of  this   to  burn  50-70  Kcals  during  that  30   to  add  a  few  sessions  per  week  and  hey   1 - So, a diet basically.   Of  course  you  can  lose  weight  with  diet
 control than ever before.  situation  in  the  summer  14-20lbs  lighter,   minutes anyway and that you never track   presto - new you!  Neither am I trying to take   alone  but  muscle  will  likely  be  lost  along
 leaner and fitter? If you’ve been trying for   your daily intake but go through each day   away  the  other  obvious  benefits  of  said   I know you hate the word and you’ve read   with  bodyfat.  You  may  see  this  as
 Every working day I talk to people who want   the last couple of years then it hasn’t been   in  the  hope  that  by  some  miraculous   training,  such  as  feeling  more  energetic,   that they don’t work, bla bla bla. Personally,   insignificant  but  every  pound  of  muscle
 to change their body shape only to be met   working. Well now it can.  chance  you’ve  consumed  only  enough   sleeping  better,  more  clarity  of  mind  or   over 20 years of working with all manner of   you carry requires approximately 40Kcals
 with the same obstacles;   energy  to  fuel  your  body  for  the  day   simply taking the stairs and not getting out of   people  I’ve  never  found  a  diet  that  didn’t   per day just to exist. A pound of fat requires
 It’s  going  to  take  some  work  and  some   without  surplus  (that  could  eventually  be   breath. These are all fantastic benefits, some   work that met that primary requirement. It   approximately only 3Kcals per day to exist.
 •   I travel a lot  mental fortitude, but without all the   stored as body fat).   of which you possibly hadn’t foreseen before   stands to reason; regularly eat less than you   So,  lose  10lbs  of  muscle  and  you  will
 outside  pressures,  or  anyone  to  let  down   embarking on an exercise program. However,   need and your body will slowly cannibalise   subsequently  burn  400Kcal  less  per  day
 •   I  have  no  time  to  prepare  my  food   you can embark on a plan with no work or   Now, this can swing wildly day to day but   for  many  of  you,  losing  weight  or  more   its  own  body  tissue  to  meet  the  reduced   than  before,  i.e.,  you  would  need  to  eat
 ahead of the day.  social  consequences.  This  will  hopefully   assuming  you’re  not  a  gluttonous  maniac   accurately,  fat  was  numero  uno  on  the   energy requirement. Adherence is another   400Kcal  less  to  just  remain  the  same
 •   I’m always on the go; never know where   never  happen  again  in  our  lifetime  which   it’s probably an average surplus of 200 or   priority list. Taking solace with all the other   issue but suffice to say, if energy consumed   weight, all the while being weaker and less
           benefits can be wonderfully cathartic but still
 makes it an opportunity not to be missed.
 I’m going to be.  so  Kcals  per  day  or  1400Kcals  in  an   doesn’t scratch that original itch.  is less than that expended over a reasonable   able. Moreover, muscle is always the right
                                                                               shape.  It  is  the  very  structure  atop  our
 ordinary week (if you never go out, lounge
 •   We entertain a lot so it’s impossible to   So, with the gym closed you’re beginning   around on the sofa eating crisps or hit that   Yes, regular cardio training burns energy. The   period of time, it always works.  skeletons and responsible for all our
 stick to a plan.  to panic about how on Earth you’re going   deserved bottle of wine).  2 - Some sort of action required to convince   movement and capability. Only excess fat
 to  get  your  fix  of  energy  expenditure.   only problem is the fat burning payoff is so   your  body  that  it  needs  to  keep  your   over the top, and in worse cases amongst
 •   My  friends  are  always  inviting  me  out   Locked  down  with  no  chance  of  hitting   There  are  approximately  3500Kcals  in  a   poor. For most people who can actually run   muscle mass.   our internal organs can make us appear less
 and won’t take no for an answer.  that treadmill or bike for your daily chore   pound of fat that you carry on your body.   for 30 minutes, it would take 12 to 16 such   (or  more,  depending  upon  your  point  of
 will have you gaining weight faster than you   With  the  above  example,  the  1000Kcals   runs to burn a pound off your body and only   This  means  resistance  training  which  can   view) shapely.
 •   Once I’m at the bar, I can’t help myself.  can say ‘no thanks’, to a donut - or will it?  burn  is  actually  only  about  800Kcal.  Tie   then,  if  you  never  over  consume  over   most  obviously  be  achieved  by  lifting
 that  in  with  the  200Kcal  average  surplus   baseline  Kcals.  Most  people  overeat  to  the   I didn’t include cardiovascular training as it’s
 •   Regular mealtimes are hard to stick to  Don’t take this the wrong way; after all, my   that you’re consuming each day (1400 for   point  of  accommodating  all  exercise  plus  a   weights, though circuit training, Pilates and   not  a  primary  requirement  in  that  if  the
 job  is  to  sell  exercise  so  please  bear  with   week) and you’re 600Kcal over the top. So,   little more. It’s no secret why so many people   certain  types  of  yoga  can  work  if  intense   above conditions are met, fat loss will occur
 Well…  not  anymore,  eh?  You  are  now  in  a   me.  The  amount  of  energy  most  people   in  effect,  your  three  virtuous  visits  to  the   are 3 pounds heavier than last year despite   enough.  Without  resistance  training  and   without further exercise.
 position to use this unfortunate situation to   burn at the gym is not terribly effective at   an  effective  Kcal  deficit,  significant
 your advantage. You’re not socialising, having   creating much of a difference to your body   gym  have  resulted  in  you  getting  fatter,   regular exercise. Hint; it’s not lack of running.  amounts of muscle will be lost resulting in   Now, before you brand me as some sort of
 to  bend  to  peer  pressure,  working  so   weight.  A  thirty  minute  run  at  a  regular   slower. Think on that for a moment.   Effective fat loss requires two primary things;   less fat loss and a slower metabolism which   anti-cardio activist, I think that a structured
 erratically  that  you  have  no  control.  In  fact   steady   pace   will   burn   approx   Of  course  you  will  have  become  much   1 - A regular and sustainable energy deficit &   subsequently  curtails  the  effectiveness  of   plan of cardio exercise is very beneficial to
 the one thing you have, for quite possibly the   300-350Kcalories.  Do  that  diligently   fitter over time and can probably bash out   2- maintenance of lean body mass.  the diet.  the above requirements. It promotes good

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