Page 11 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (09-01-18) Advanced Level
P. 11
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #2 (Advanced Level)
Israelis Live Here
In formulas, government programs and children’s clothes as well. Actors
in commercials are too often blonde, fair-skinned with blue eyes, not
exactly representing the whole Israeli public. This joins a line of
commercials and ads where the beautiful and successful are fair-skinned
and thin, while the unsuccessful would be dark and fat. In the stills footage
that appeared on government offices’ ads, photos were taken from
databases abroad, now the Government Advertising Agency completed a
move of creating an Israeli photo database, which according to the
government’s resolution, all official state publication will be obliged to
use. For a long time (they) were looking to cast children of all colors,
diverse families, and in general create an image as similar as possible to
the demographic of the Israeli public. But some ad-executives think there’s
(been) great progress in how characters are casted, and that limiting to
only using this database is just a populist move. The guidance is for TV
commercials as well, obviously not to choose the same stereotypes over
and over again, and (you) can already see it lately, in an attempt to prove
that even people who look like us – sell.
Page 11 - Edition 01-09-18
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