Page 14 - Rothschild inter170918
P. 14
Intermediate level– שדרות רוטשילד
The Declaration of Independence
The declaration of independence was in Tel Aviv, on Friday,
Hei b'Iyar, May 14th 1948, at the Dizengoff house in Rothschild
boulevards. Everybody knows about the declaration but not
everybody knows that many of the Parliament members are
afraid to vote for the declaration because they know that after
the declaration there will be a war. At the end, they confirm the
decision with a majority of one vote.
The members of the new Israeli Parliament can't tell anybody
about the declaration. They wear nice clothes to the declaration,
even though it's hot. They understand it's an important and
historical event.
At 4:00pm David Ben Gurion arrives at the Dizengoff house.
Everybody listens when Ben Gurion speaks. There are many
people outside the building and also many people inside the
houses, close to the radio. When Ben Gurion says the words:
"we hereby declare the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz
Israel – to be known as the state of Israel", everybody is very
happy. Many people go out to the streets and start dancing and
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