Page 23 - Ulpan-Or E-Tone (07.03.17) Low Inter Level
P. 23

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                 One-page format to print (Low-Intermediate Level)

Item 1               ‫ָה ֲא ָנ ִׁשים ֶׁש ָלנּו ַּב ָדרֹום‬

                 Talking Dictionary – ‫אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

solution         ‫ ִׁפ ְתרֹון‬6 State Comptroller                  ‫ ְמ ַּב ֵּקר ַּה ְמ ִׁדי ָנה‬1
tunnel(s)                                                        ‫ ֲחשּו ָבה‬,‫ ָחשּוב‬2
to be afraid     ‫ ִׁמ ְנ ָהרֹות‬,‫ ִׁמ ְנ ָה ָרה‬7 important
are afraid (m.)
                 )‫ְל ַּפ ֵּחד ( ִׁפ ֵּעל‬  8 to write             )‫ִׁל ְכ ֹּתב ( ָפ ַּעל‬  3
noise              ‫ְמ ַּפ ֲח ִׁדים‬           writes (m. sg.)           ‫ּכֹו ֵּתב‬

to leave         ‫ַּר ַּעש‬                 9 to do                )‫ַּל ֲעׂשֹות ( ָפ ַּעל‬  4
                                             do (m. pl.)               ‫עֹוִׁׂשים‬

                 )‫ ַּל ֲע ֹּזב ( ָפ ַּעל‬10 last, past            ‫ ַּא ֲחרֹונֹות‬,‫ ַּא ֲחרֹון‬5

‫ ְב ָכל ָש ָנה הּוא ּכֹו ֵּתב ַּעל ַּה ְד ָב ִׁרים ַּהּטֹו ִׁבים ְו ַּה ְד ָב ִׁרים‬.‫ִׁל ְמ ַב ֵּקר ַה ְמ ִדי ָנה ֵּיש ֲעבֹו ָדה ֲחׁשּו ָבה ְמאֹוד‬
‫ ַּב ָש ָנה‬."‫ ַּה ָש ָנה הּוא ּכֹו ֵּתב ַּעל ַּה ְר ֵּבה ְד ָב ִׁרים ֶׁשל ֹּא־טֹו ִׁבים ְב"צּוק ֵּאי ָתן‬.‫ַּהל ֹּא־טֹו ִׁבים ֶׁשעֹו ִשים ְב ִׁיְׂש ָר ֵּאל‬
‫ ֲא ָבל ָה ֲא ָנ ִׁשים ֶׁש ָג ִׁרים ָשם‬,‫ָו ֵּח ִׁצי ָה ַא ֲחרֹונֹות ְמ ַּח ְפִׁׂשים ְב ִׁיְׂש ָר ֵּאל ִפ ְתרֹון ֶׁט ְכנֹולֹו ִׁגי ַּל ִמ ְנ ָהרֹות ֶׁשל ָח ָמאס‬

       .‫ ֵּהם ל ֹּא רֹו ִׁצים ַל ֲע ֹזב ֶׁאת ַּה ַּב ִׁית ֶׁש ָל ֶׁהם‬,‫ ֲא ָבל ַּגם ִׁאם ֶׁזה ל ֹּא ַּקל‬.‫ְמ ַפ ֲח ִדים ֲע ַּד ִׁין ִׁמּ ָכל ַר ַעׁש ָק ָטן‬

Courtesy of:

                    Our People down South

The State Comptroller has a very important job. Every year he writes about the good and bad things
(they) do in Israel. This year he writes about a lot of things that (weren’t) good at Protective Edge.
In the past year and a half (they have been) looking in Israel for a technological solution that can
help with Hamas’ tunnels, but the people who live there are still afraid of every little noise. But
even if it isn’t easy, they don’t want to leave their home.

                                 Page 23 - Edition 03-07-17

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