Page 19 - ebook(11-21-17)-beg_Neat
P. 19
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #4 (Low-Intermediate Level)
Now listen again and check your answers.
Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new
Talking Dictionary טָל ְקֻמ םיִל ִמ רַצוֹא–
English תירבע English תירבע
to do ) לַּעָׂפ ( תוֹשֲעַּל
high score ַּ הּוֹבָׂג ןוּיּ ִצ 6 1
doing (m. pl.) םי ִשוֹע
to believe ןי ִמֲאה ְל ַּ
area רוֹז ֵא 7 ) לי ִע ְפה ( ִ 2
believe (m. sg.) ןי ִמֲא ַּמ
to log into ) לַּעפִנ ְל ( ְ סֵנָׂכּ ִהְל
log (m. pl.) םי ִסָׂנ ְכִנ 8 to plan ) לֵעפ ( ִ ןֵנ ְכ ַּתְל 3
to see ) לַּעָׂפ ( תוֹא ְרִל
9 col. to use ) לַּעָׂפ ( ַּחֹּתּ ְפִל 4
see (m. pl.) םי ִאוֹר
near, near you םֶׁכ ְדַּיְל ,דַּיְל 10 horse farm םי ִסוּ ס תַּוּ ַּח 5
Page 19 - Edition 11-21-17
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