Page 19 - Talbiye High Inter120918
P. 19

                                         Intermediate Level – ‫טלביה‬

Folke Bernadotte
Folke Bernadotte was a very important Swedish count.
The UN sent him to Israel in [the year of] 1948, in order to help stop
the War of Independence between the Jews and the Arab nations. At
the end of the war the UN thought that it’s necessary to divide Israel
between the Jews and the Arabs. Bernadotte was the plan’s manager.
Neither the Jews nor the Arabs liked the idea. Each wanted a larger
portion of Israel. The men and women of the Lehi underground
organization decided to kill Bernadotte in order to stop the plan.
Bernadotte arrived in Israel in September 1948. He went to the
YMCA on King David St., where he stayed [lit. slept]. At noon he
went with friends to play pool at the governor’s palace. When they
returned at night, they drove on Palmach St. in the middle of the street
an ORV with four Lehi members was waiting for them. The people
shot Bernadotte until he died.
Two days later, he was buried in Sweden.
Only 47 years later, Foreign Minister Shimon Peres apologized to
Sweden for Bernadotte’s murder.

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