Page 19 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (24.10.17) Advanced Level
P. 19

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                                                 Item #4 (Advanced Level)

                         Now listen again and check your answers.

                         Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

                                   Talking Dictionary   טָל ְקֻמ םיִל ִמ רַצוֹא–

             English                             תירבע        English                             תירבע

             to trim
                                           )לעפ( םוזגל
             trimming (m.                       םימזוג     6    flood                               לובמ    1


             to recruit
             recruiting (m.               )לעיפ( סייגל     7    spouse                            גוז תב    2

             to warn                            עי רתהל    8    to be left                     ראשיהל       3

             warn! (pl.)                        ועירתה        left (f. sg.)                       הראשנ
             to make sure                  )לעפ( גואדל     9    to fear                    )לעפ( שושחל      4
             make sure! (pl.)                      וגאד

                                                              to prepare                  )לעפנ( ךרעיהל

             water heater(s)                םידוד ,דוד     10  preparing for it                 םיכרענ      5
                                                              (m. pl.)                          ותארקל

                                         Page  19        -        Edition 10-24-17
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