Page 41 - IDF eCur NH unit 5 english 051119
P. 41
NH, Unit 5
Binyan Hitpa'el
Helping Verbs and Adverbs
Use of Helping Verbs with Binyan Hitpa'el Verbs
Let’s now see how we use helping verbs and adverbs with verbs in this group:
Love / Like Need Can /Able to Want
ב ֵהוֹא ךְי ִר צ לוֹכ י הֶצוֹר
I want to call my friend – יִל ֶש רֵב חֶל ר ֵש ק ְת ִהְל הֶצוֹר יִנ א
Exercise: Now make your own sentences using the different infinitives from
Binyan Hitpa'el with the helping verbs.
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