Page 42 - IDF eCur NH unit 5 english 051119
P. 42


                                                        NH, Unit 5

                     Use of Helping Adverbs with Binyan Hitpa'el Verbs

                  It's      It's not         It's           It's          It's       It's       It's        It's
                  fun    worthwhile  worthwhile  impossible  possible               hard       easy        good
                  ףיֵכ     יא  ד ְכ אֹל     יא  ד ְכ     ר  ש ְפ ֶא י ִא   ר  ש ְפ ֶא   ה ֶש  ק   ל  ק     בוֹט


                   It's fun to progress in Hebrew –  תי ִר ְב ִע ְב        ם ֵד  ק ְת ִהְל   ףיֵכ

               Exercise: Now make your own sentences using the different infinitives from
               Binyan Hitpa'el with the helping adverbs.

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                                    RA IDF    םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה.   , שומיש לכ  . רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה  לכ
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