Page 4 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (30.05.17) High Inter level
P. 4

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                     Item #1 (High-Intermediate Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

         Talking Dictionary – ‫אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

English          ‫ עברית‬English                                 ‫עברית‬
to go through
will go through  )‫ַל ֲע ֹּבר ( ָׁפ ַעל‬  6 to celebrate         )‫ַל ְח ֹּגג ( ָׁפ ַעל‬   1
(m. sg.)               ‫ַי ֲע ֹּבר‬          celebrate (m. pl.)     ‫חֹו ְג ִגים‬
asides from
ceremony,        ‫ חּוץ ִמ‬7 unification                         ‫ ִאחּוד‬2
                 ‫ ְט ָׁק ִסים‬,‫ ֶט ֶקס‬8 dance of flags          ‫ ִרּקּוד ְד ָׁג ִלים‬3
the Six Day War
                 ‫ִמ ְל ֶח ֶמת ֶש ֵּׁשת‬   9 gate(s)             ‫ ְש ָׁע ִרים‬,‫ ַש ַער‬4
capital                 ‫ַה ָׁי ִמים‬     10 to hope
                                                               )‫ְל ַקּוֹות ( ִפ ֵּׁעל‬  5
                     ‫ִעיר ִבי ָׁרה‬          hoped (pl.)                 ‫ִקּוּו‬

                                  Page 4 - Edition 05-30-17

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