Page 9 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (30.05.17) High Inter level
P. 9

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                     Item #2 (High-Intermediate Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

         Talking Dictionary – ‫אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

English                 ‫עברית‬                   English           ‫עברית‬
                                             6 to wait
row                      ‫שּו ָׁרה‬                                 )‫ְל ַחּכֹות ( ִפ ֵּׁעל‬  1
                                                waited (pl.)               ‫ִחּכּו‬
to be excited         ‫ְל ִה ְת ַר ֵּׁגש‬         to come off
was excited (m.)      )‫( ִה ְת ַפ ֵּׁעל‬      7 will come off (m.  )‫ָׁל ֶר ֶדת ( ָׁפ ַעל‬   2
                       ‫ִה ְת ַר ֵּׁגש‬           sg.)                      ‫ֵּׁי ֵּׁרד‬
to take a picture                               to squeeze
took a picture     )‫ְל ַצ ֵּׁלם ( ִפ ֵּׁעל‬   8 shook hands (m.    )‫ִל ְל ֹּחץ ( ָׁפ ַעל‬   3
(m. sg.)                  ‫ִצ ֵּׁלם‬              sg.)               ‫ָׁל ַחץ ָׁי ַד ִים‬
criticism                                    9 minister(s)
                        ‫ִבּ ֹּק ֶרת‬         10 to stand           ‫ ָׁש ִרים‬,‫ ַשר‬4
probably                                        stood (m. sg.)
                       ‫ּ ַכ ִנ ְר ֶאה‬                             )‫ַל ֲע ֹּמד ( ָׁפ ַעל‬   5
                                                                         ‫ָׁע ַמד‬

                                  Page 9 - Edition 05-30-17

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