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A Surprising Decision in the Lawyers' Bar
The Interns' Revolution
Soon: Law interns will receive a salary for extra hours [additional hours].
The proposal was accepted yesterday in the Central Committee of the
lawyers' Bar, and it will be brought forth in the next few days [in front of
the] to the Labor Court- by Shani Mizrahi.
The way to the desired position in a law firm is conditioned by an
exhausting internship. We all know the stories of the law rookies who are
forced to run errands, type mountains of summaries and work extra hours
for a small salary in return. However, soon, so it seems, these stories will
become [turn into] ancient [distant] history.
For many years the Regional labor court in Jerusalem has conducted a
discussion in the matter of extra hours for interns. During the discussions
the judge of the Regional labor court in Jerusalem, Judge Eyal Avrahami,
has asked for the stand of the Central Committee of the Bar, in order to
determine the sentence that will apply on the interns in all that is
connected to additional working hours. Until now interns were employed
for many hours, sometimes even 12 hours a day, without receiving extra
pay, yet so it seems, soon the young interns will be entitled to a salary for
those extra hours. Yesterday a long discussion filled with contradicting
opinions was set in the Central Committee of the Bar, which in the end of
it accepted the proposal of the head of the Bar, attorney Yuri Guy-Ron,
which according to it the law interns will be entitled to receive a payment
for the extra hours. By that the committee in fact accepted [adopted] the
stand of attorney Nachum Feinberg, Chairmen of the forum of labor laws
in the Bar. "The law of labor and rest hours applies to the interns with no
exceptions to this matter," says Guy-Ron.
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