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P. 67


                                        Song – She Became Religious*

                   I had fallen plundered then, a sob in my throat
                   They said she too had become religious:

                   Righteous men teaching her precepts of the g-d-fearing people
                   She will visit my sinful fields no more.

                   Entirely rapped, without the tiniest slit

                   She covered the whiteness of her breasts with a garment of
                   Her tender ankle [covered] in a long sock
                   On the smoothness of her thigh it softly cuddles

                   Her long, flowing, descending hair
                   Was now collected, humiliated and imprisoned
                   Through a coif's kerchief it groans, bursting out

                   And the Rabbi says [it] needs to be cut.

                   Her look is a different light, no more fire and lightening.
                   Her tongue, which knew its delights, has gone mute

                   And her lips are soft, moving in prayer
                   I feel like crying for me, for her.

                   Happy is the booklet her hand holds

                   With immeasurable agility of the fingers
                   She'll go though its paper, leaf through its pages

                   The one sitting up high must be standing erect.

                   And now she has been put on the market for a match
                   And I, the robbed, am cheated and abused

                   Painfully secular and loving as always
                   I've been left out of the bidding.

                   And she will not come again, quietly sneaking

                   Between my soft sheets, for a Shabbat's delight
                   And the miserable me, what more can I say
                   If I had the answer, I would return.

                   * In Hebrew, to become religious literally translates as 'to
                     return in answer'. The writer uses this as a play on words,
                     mainly in the last line.

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