Page 28 - Situations That's Life Unit 5 040815
P. 28

Situations –Part 5

                        ‫ המחזת הסיטואציה‬:‫פעילות מסכמת בכיתה‬

    Exercise 7: In pairs, translate the situation into Hebrew row by row. Together, try
    to think of a solution. Then present the situation and the solution in front of your

1 Thelma tells:

    I have a son (who is) twelve years old.


3 His name is Yonatan.
    I am very proud of him.


    He is handsome, intelligent, talented,
5 successful in school, and even successful

    in sports and music.
    Once in a while, when my husband and I
    take him with us to visit friends of ours,
6 or when guests come over [to us], I
    introduce Yonatan to them and tell
    (them) about his successes in school.
    Sometimes I ask him to play something
7 on the flute in front of the guests.
    Yonatan always looks miserable in these
8 moments.

    He doesn't cooperate with me.


    He stands in front of the guests, looks at
10 the floor, and barely answers my

    When we go out, he likes to wear old
11 jeans [pants], sometimes ripped.

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