Page 30 - Situations That's Life Unit 5 040815
P. 30

Situations –Part 5

Act out from English.

Thelma tells:

I have a son (who is) twelve years old.

His name is Yonatan.
I am very proud of him.
He is handsome, intelligent, talented, successful in school, and even successful in sports and
Once in a while, when my husband and I take him with us to visit friends of ours, or when
guests come over [to us], I introduce Yonatan to them and tell (them) about his successes in
Sscohmoeotli.mes I ask him to play something on the flute in front of the guests.

Yonatan always looks miserable in these moments.
He doesn't cooperate with me.

He stands in front of the guests, looks at the floor, and barely answers my questions.

When we go out, he likes to wear old jeans [pants], sometimes ripped.

He doesn't comb (his hair) and we fight over this as well.

I want him to dress nicely, I wet his hair and comb it but he runs away from me.

I don't understand his behavior.
When I was his age, no one at home gave me compliments.

No one told me that I am beautiful and talented.

Even when I brought home good grades, my parents treated me like it’s a given.

In my opinion, Yonatan should feel good that his parents pay attention to his talents and [to
his] successes.

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