Page 23 - German Colony Inter-new-mabat-history-RA-FP_Neat
P. 23
Intermediates Level – ?המושבה הגרמנית?
CD: Track 11 ?ִס ְמ ַטת ִג'י ִמי?
Vocabulary - ?אוצר מילים?
English ?עברית?
? מלאה?,?מלא?
full ? סמטאֹות?,?סמטה?
alley(s) ?שלט?
sign )?לכשכש (פיעל?
?כשכש בזנבֹו?
cute, charming
)?לשֹוטט (פיעל?
to wag ?שֹוטט להנאתֹו?
wagged his tail )?להכנס (נפעל?
to wander around
)?לצאת (פעל?
wandered around to his pleasure ?יֹוצא?
to go in ?אזֹור?
)?לקבל (פיעל?
it (he) goes in
to go out
it goes out )?למּות (פעל?
area ?כשּמת?
to welcome (also: to receive) ?לזכרֹו?
?על שמֹו?
they welcomed
to die
when he died
in his memory
named after him
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