Page 19 - German Colony Inter-new-mabat-history-RA-FP_Neat
P. 19
Intermediates Level – ?המושבה הגרמנית?
Shira Chadasha
Everyone knows that wherever there are two Jews there will be at
least two synagogues.
Today, one of the controversies in Jewish law is the place of women
(the woman). The Reform and Conservative are extremely liberal.
However, one can see that lately also the Orthodox are trying to deal
with the issue. ‘Shira Chadasha’ is an egalitarian Orthodox quorum.
They understood that one doesn’t have to leave Orthodoxy in order for
a woman to have an active place during prayers. A woman can be a
prayer leader, go up to the Torah, read the Torah and be part of the
decision makers at synagogue.
The community started out as a small community from from one
Saturday to the next one could see how the egalitarian approach draws
many people, and today the congregation has approximately 400
Like anything new, this community also received harsh criticism.
Many rabbis oppose the quorum and stated not to participate. On the
other hand, the feminist stream says that it is not really an egalitarian
quorum. They say that women cannot do everything equally, only
certain things.
Despite all the criticism, it seems that the quorum is succeeding in
finding its place and being an example to other quorums in the world.
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