Page 11 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (06.06.17) Advanced level
P. 11
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #2 (Advanced Level)
How much is a Taxi to Jerusalem?
Midnight, Ben Gurion airport; this is what the taxi line at the entrance to
the terminal looked like minutes after the agreement with Hadar company,
the sole operator of rides leaving the terminal, expired. At the beginning of
the week representatives from the station decided not to honor the
agreements with the Airports Authority and kill the tender that was meant
to oblige the drivers to a rate thirty one percent lower than the customary
rate now. Today drivers from various taxi stations arrived at Ben Gurion
Airport, but almost all agreed that the lower rate just isn’t worth their
while. (You) should remember, this mess is happening on Shavu’ot, on
days when the airport fills up with many passengers, and a moment before
the summer [season]. The Airports Authority emphasize that they are
preparing for any scenario with busses and additional trains. Meanwhile,
until a solution is found or a new tender will be under way, the public will
continue to pay the higher price, and decreasing the rates isn’t foreseeable
any time soon.
Page 11 - Edition 06-06-17
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