Page 20 - IDF eCur IL Unit 3 english 061119
P. 20


                                              Intermediate-Low, Unit 3

                                           3     הצובק ,לעפ ןיינב

               In Binyan Pa’al, Group 3 we use the present tense as a basis for creating past

               tense structure. Let’s review it now.

                            Binyan Pa'al, Group 3 - Present Tense

               The present tense of Binyan Pa’al, Group 3, has the sound pattern:



                                                 to buy          -    תוֹנ ְקִל

                                                  הֶנ       ק וֹ  ←   תוֹנק  ִל ְ

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                                       םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה.   , שומיש לכ  . רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה  לכ
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