Page 22 - IDF eCur IL Unit 3 english 061119
P. 22
Intermediate-Low, Unit 3
Binyan Paal group 3
Conjugating Verbs in the Past Tense
He, She, They – םה , איה , אוה
To this basic “kernel” we add the corresponding suffixes,
according to the pronoun.
Suffix וּ ם ֵה ה ִ ה י א אוּה
+ וּ נק * ָ ה ָ ת + נ ָק ה נ ָק
נק * ָ וּ ה ָ ת ְנ ָק ** ה נ ָק
*Notice what happens to the "ה" at the end of the "kernel", as we add
different suffixes.
**For third person feminine – איה, we usually use the form of third
person, masculine – אוה and add the suffix ה. In this Binyan we insert the
letter ת before the suffix ה, because it is impossible to have two consecutive
letters ה.
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