Page 19 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (04.07.17) Low Inter Level
P. 19

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                          Item #4 (Advanced Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

          Talking Dictionary – ‫אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

English              ‫עברית‬                   English            ‫עברית‬                     1
                                          6 to order
to decide          ‫ְל ַה ְח ִליט‬                               ‫ְל ַה ְז ִמין‬
decide (m. pl.)     )‫( ִה ְפ ִעיל‬            order (m. pl.)    )‫( ִה ְפ ִעיל‬
                  ‫ַמ ְח ִלי ִטים‬                              ‫ַמ ְז ִמי ִנים‬
to put
put an end to it     )‫ָׁל ִשים ( ָׁפ ַעל‬  7 fruit(s)          ‫ ֵּפרֹות‬,‫ ְפ ִרי‬2
to pick           ‫ָׁל ִשים ְל ֶּזה סֹוף‬
pick (m. pl.)
to choose         )‫ִל ְקטֹוף ( ָׁפ ַעל‬    8 vegetable(s)      ‫ ְי ָׁרקֹות‬,‫ ֶּי ֶּרק‬3
choose (m. pl.)        ‫קֹו ְט ִפים‬

store             )‫ִל ְב ֹחר ( ָׁפ ַעל‬    9 to pass              )‫ַל ֲע ֹבר ( ָׁפ ַעל‬     4
                     ‫ּבֹו ֲח ִרים‬            passes (m. sg.)           ‫עֹו ֵּבר‬           5

                  ‫ ֲחנּות‬10 to get to                         )‫ְל ַה ִגי ַע ( ִה ְפ ִעיל‬
                              get (m. pl.)                           ‫ַמ ִגי ִעים‬

                                 Page 19 - Edition 07-04-17

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