Page 20 - Verbs in a nutshell-Unit-1-Rb-280815-V24931-html
P. 20
CD1 20
Track 6
General Tense Structures
Structure of the Future Tense
The future tense in Hebrew is characterized by adding prefixes to the verb “kernel”
as opposed to adding suffixes in the past tense.
Let’s look at the following chart to follow the pattern of the verb structure in future
We divide the chart into two parts: ִהיא הּוא/ַא ָתה ֲא ִני
Pronoun ֲא ַנ ְחנּו
Prefix ....נ .... י....ת ....א
Pronoun ֵהם ַא ֶתם ַא ְת
Prefix & Suffix
ּו...י ּו...ת י...ת
Please note that there is a certain correspondence between the first or second letter
of the pronoun and the letter of the prefix.
ְל ַה ְר ִגיׁש
Pronoun אנחנו היא הוא/אתה אני
Prefixes ַארגיש ַתרגיש ַירגיש ַנרגיש
Pronoun הם אתם את
Prefix & Suffix ַירגישּו ַתרגישּו ַתרגישי
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