Page 24 - Verbs in a nutshell-Unit-1-Rb-280815-V24931-html
P. 24

Track 7

                   Binyan Hif'eel

               General Structure

Infinitive Form

 ‫ְל ַה‬The infinitive form of Binyan Hif’eel always begins with
 ‫י‬and the last vowel is .

 So the sound pattern of Binyan Hif’eel is


A...EE... are the core sound pattern vowels


               to feel - ‫ְל ַה ְר ִגיׁש‬

Present Tense

‫ל‬In the present tense the first letter - of the infinitive is omitted and the
‫מ ה‬second letter is replaced by . The sound pattern remains the same.

Example:       ‫ְל ַה ְר ִגיׁש ַמ ְר ִגיׁש‬

 ‫רבות‬           ‫רבים‬         ‫נקבה‬             ‫זכר‬

‫ַמרגישֹות‬      ‫ַמרגישים‬      ‫ַמרגישה‬         ‫ַמרגיש‬
   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29