Page 26 - Verbs in a nutshell-Unit-1-Rb-280815-V24931-html
P. 26

  Track 9

          Binyan Hif'eel – Future Tense

‫ְל ַה‬In Binyan Hif’eel we omit the infinitive form prefix , while

maintaining the sound pattern of the infinitive form:


‫ְל ַה‬Instead of the we use prefixes corresponding to the pronouns.

As an example let’s use the verb:

                    to feel – ‫ְל ַה ְר ִגיׁש‬

                           ‫ְל ַה ְר ִגיׁש ← ַ ְר ִגיׁש‬

Pronoun           ‫היא ← ַת הּוא ← ַי א ַנחנּו ← ַנ‬/‫ֲאני ← ַא ַא ָתה‬
                   ‫רגיש‬+‫רגיש ַנ‬+‫ַי‬                        ‫רגיש‬+‫רגיש ַת‬+‫ַא‬
Prefix             ‫ַירגיש ַנרגיש‬                          ‫ַארגיש ַתרגיש‬

Now we will also need to add the corresponding suffixes:

Pronoun           ‫ּו‬+‫ֵהם ← ַי‬  ‫ּו‬+‫ַא ֶתם ← ַת‬            ‫י‬+‫ַא ְת ← ַת‬
Prefix & Suffix
                   ‫ּו‬+‫רגיש‬+‫ַי‬    ‫ּו‬+‫רגיש‬+‫ַת‬               ‫י‬+‫רגיש‬+‫ַת‬
Prefix & Suffix      ‫ַירגישּו‬      ‫ַתרגישּו‬                 ‫ַתרגישי‬
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