Page 26 - Ulpan-Or E-Tone 04.10.16 Low Inter Level
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E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

         One-page format to print (Low-Intermediate Level)

Item 4           ‫ָׁמ ָׁד"א ַמ ִׁגי ִׁעים ַמ ֵהר‬

        Talking Dictionary – ‫אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

Magen David        ‫ ָׁמ ֵגן ָׁד ִׁוד‬- ‫ָׁמ ָׁד"א‬       6 to be afraid      )‫ְל ַפ ֵחד ( ִׁפ ֵעל‬  1
Adom                          ‫ָׁא ֹדם‬                    afraid (f. sg.)     ‫ְמ ַפ ֶּח ֶּדת‬
to calm down                ‫אֹו ַפּנֹו ַע‬             7 bad               ‫ ַרע‬2
calming (m. sg.)   )‫ְל ַה ְר ִׁגי ַע ( ִׁה ְפ ִׁעיל‬   8 to happen
event                                                                     )‫ ִׁל ְקרֹות ( ָׁפ ַעל‬3
medical emergency            ‫ַמ ְר ִׁגי ַע‬            9 room
important                                            10 first responder         ‫ ֶּח ֶּדר‬4
                              ‫ֵארּו ַע‬                                    ‫ ֶּנ ֱא ַמן ַחִּׁיים‬5
                       ‫ֵארּו ַע ְרפּו ִׁאי‬
                    ‫ ֲחשּו ָׁבה‬,‫ָׁחשּוב‬

                                                                                    "?‫ " ַמה‬- "!‫" ַא ָׁבא‬
                                             ".‫ ֲא ִׁני ְמ ַפ ֶּח ֶּדת ֶּש ַמׁ ֶּּשהּו ַרע ָׁיכֹול ִל ְקרֹות‬,‫" ֲא ִׁני ל ֹא ִׁנ ְר ֶּד ֶּמת‬
...‫ ְו ֶּנא ַמן ַח ִיים ֶּשל ָמ ָד"א ַמ ִׁגי ַע ְב ָׁשלֹוש ַדּקֹות‬,‫"שששש ֲא ִׁני ִׁא ָׁתְך! ְו ִׁא ָׁמא ְיכֹו ָׁלה ְל ַה ִׁגי ַע ֵמ ַה ֶּח ֶּדר ְב ַדָּׁקה‬
                                             "...‫ ְו ַא ְמבּו ַל ְנס ֶּשל‬,‫אֹו ַפּנֹו ַע ֶּשל ָׁמ ָׁד"א ַמ ִׁגי ַע ַב ֲח ֵמש ַדּקֹות‬

                                                             "!‫ " ֲא ִׁני ַרק ַמ ְר ִגי ַע ֶּאת ַהַּי ְל ָׁדה‬- "?‫"מּו ִׁלי‬
‫ ָׁמ ָׁד"א ְיכֹו ִׁלים ְל ַה ִׁגי ַע ֲא ֵלי ֶּכם ַמ ֵהר ְמאֹוד – ִׁעם ֶּנ ֱא ַמן ַחִּׁיים‬.‫ ָׁכל ְש ִׁנָּׁיה ִׁהיא ֲחׁשּו ָבה‬,‫ְכ ֶּשֵּיש ֵארּו ַע ְרפּו ִאי‬

                                 .‫ ִׁעם אֹו ַפּנֹו ַע ַב ֲח ֵמש ַדּקֹות ְו ִׁעם ַא ְמבּו ַל ְנס ְב ֵת ַשע ַדּקֹות‬,‫ְב ָׁשלֹוש ַדּקֹות‬

Courtesy of:

                       MDA Comes Faster

“Dad!” - “What?”
“I can’t fall asleep, I’m afraid something bad could happen.”
“Sh… I’m (here) with you! And mom can come from the (other) room in a minute, and a MDA first
responder comes in three minutes, a MDA motorcycle comes in five minutes, an ambulance…”
“Mooly?” - “I’m just calming the girl down!”
When there’s a medical emergency every second counts. MDA can get to you very quickly - with a
first responder in three minutes, by motorcycle in five minutes and an ambulance in nine minutes.

                                 Page 26 - Edition 10-04-16

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