Page 11 - Taglit-Unit 9-RB-PHONETIC-FP-WORKBOOK_Neat-260520
P. 11
Unit 9 18 Unit 9, Track 6
Yoel shares candies with the guys from his group and nothing is left for Orly.
Person English PHONETIC ִע ְב ִרית
Yoel Guys, I have chocolates KHEVRE, YESH LI ֵיש ִלי,ֱח ְׁב ֶרה
Guys from Switzerland. _______________ .________ ִמ ְׁש ַו ְׁיץ
Who wants? MI’SHVAYTZ.
Yoel MEE __________? ?________ ִמי
Me, me!
Orly ANI, ANI! ! ֲא ִני,ֲא ִני
Orly There’s chocolate for TOV, YESH SHOKOLAD , ֵיש שֹוקֹו ָלד ְׁל ַס ְׁנ ִדי,טֹוב
Yoel Sandy, there’s LE’SANDY, YESH ,ֵיש שֹוקֹו ָלד ְׁל ָש ָרה
Orly chocolate for Sara, SHOKOLAD LE’SARA,
Yoel OY ___________ – EIN ֵאין- ________ אֹוי
Oops, too bad. There’s SHOKOLAD LE’ORLY. .שֹוקֹו ָלד ְׁלאֹו ְׁר ִלי
no chocolate for Orly.
It’s all right; I have ZE BESEDER, YESH LI ֵיש ִלי.ֶזה ְׁב ֵס ֶדר
candies from America. ___________ . ________ ֵמ ָא ֵמ ִרי ָקה
Candies from America? ?ס ָכ ִריֹות ֵמ ָא ֵמ ִרי ָקה
Really? Where? SUKARYOT ?________ !?ָב ֱא ֶמת
Here, M&M candies. BE’EMET? ___________? ________ ,ִה ֵנה
HINEH, _____________
M&M ַוא ְׁל ָלה?! ֶב ֱא ֶמת ס ָכ ִריֹות
ֵמ ָא ֵמ ִרי ָקה! ֲא ִני רֹו ֶצה
Wow! Really candies WALLA? BE’EMET !ְׁק ָצת
from America! I want SUKARYOT
some! MEAMERIKA! ANI . יֹו ֵאל,ְׁב ַב ָק ָשה
ROTZE KTZAT! ________ ֵיש ִלי.ִה ֵנה
Here you are, Yoel.
I have many candies. BE'VAKASHA YOEL. .________
HINEH, YESH LI ?ַה ְׁר ֵבה ס ָכ ִריֹות
_________ ___________.
. אֹו ְׁר ִלי,ּתֹו ָדה
Many candies? HARBE SUKARIYOT? !________ …מ
Thanks, Orly. TODA, ORLY.
Hm…Yammy! (Tasty) M… ______________!
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