Page 13 - Taglit-Unit 9-RB-PHONETIC-FP-WORKBOOK_Neat-260520
P. 13

Unit 9             22                                     Unit 9, Track 7


        Yoel invites Orly to eat out. She is on a diet and doesn't eat much.

                     English                       PHONETIC                   ‫ִע ְב ִרית‬
                                       EREV TOV.
Waiter Good evening.                                                                   .‫ֶע ֶרב טֹוב‬

Both Good evening.                     EREV TOV.                                                                                .‫ֶע ֶרב טֹוב‬

Yoel    Orly, what do you want to      ORLY, MA AT                            _______ ‫ ָמה ַא ְּׁת‬,‫אֹו ְׁר ִלי‬
Orly    eat?                           __________LE'EKHOL?                                       ?‫ֶל ֱא ֹכל‬
        I am on a diet, I want to eat  ANI BEDIETA, ANI ROTZA                   ‫ ֲא ִני רֹו ָצה‬.‫ֲא ִני ְׁב ִדי ֶא ָטה‬
        a salad.                       LE’EKHOL __________.                           ._______ ‫ֶל ֱא ֹכל‬

        What do you want to drink?     MA AT ROTZA LISHTOT?                      ?‫ָמה ַא ְּׁת רֹו ָצה ִל ְׁשּתֹות‬

Orly    Mineral water, please.         MAYIM MINERALIM,                        .‫ ְׁב ַב ָק ָשה‬,‫ַמ ִים ִמי ֶנ ַרא ִלים‬
        What do you want to eat?       BEVAKASHA.                                  ?‫ָמה ַאָּתה רֹו ֶצה ֶל ֱא ֹכל‬
Yoel                                   MA ATA ROTZE
        I want shawarma in a pita      LE’EKHOL?                               ‫ֲא ִני רֹו ֶצה ַש ַוא ְׁר ָמה ְׁב ִפָּתה‬
Waiter  and a little bit of French     ANI ROTZE SHAWARMA                             .‫ּו_______ ִצ'י ְׁפס‬
Yoel    fries.                         BE'PEETA U'________                            ?_______ ‫ָמה ֵיש‬
Waiter  What do you have to drink?     CHEEPS.
Orly    There’s Coke, Sprite and       MA YESH ____________?                      ‫ ִמיץ‬,‫ ְׁספ ַר ְׁייט‬,‫ֵיש קֹו ָלה‬
        orange juice. What do you                                               ?‫ ָמה ַאָּתה רֹו ֶצה‬.‫ַּתפּו ִזים‬
        want?                          YESH KOLA, SPRAYT,
        Hmm…                           MITZ TAPUZIM.                                                  ...‫מ‬
        I want Coke please.            MA ATA ROTZE?                          ._______ ‫ֲא ִני רֹו ֶצה קֹו ַלה‬
        There you go. Well, is it
        tasty?                         HMM, ANI ROTZE KOLA                           ?_______ ,‫ נּו‬.‫ִה ֵנה‬
        Excellent!                     _______________.                                       !_______

                                       HINEH. NOO, _________?


Yoel How much is it?                   KAMA ZE?                                                                                 ?‫ַכ ָמה ֶזה‬

Waiter 40 shekels.                     ____________ SHEKEL.                   .‫_______ ֶש ֶקל‬

Yoel Ah, here’s 50 shekels.            AH, HINEH ___________                   .‫ ִה ֵנה _______ ֶש ֶקל‬,‫ָאה‬
Waiter Here’s 10 shekels.              SHEKEL.                                ._______ _______ ‫ִה ֵנה‬

                                       HINEH __________ _______.

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                                .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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