Page 9 - Taglit-Unit 9-RB-PHONETIC-FP-WORKBOOK_Neat-260520
P. 9
Unit 9 14
Unit 9, Track 5
Yoel is hungry and stops by Orly to have dinner.
Orly makes spaghetti. Yoel wants more.
Person English PHONETIC ִע ְב ִרית
. אֹו ְׁר ִלי,ֶע ֶרב טֹוב
Yoel Good evening, Orly. EREV TOV ORLI.
Orly Good evening, Yoel. EREV TOV YOEL, MA . יֹו ֵאל,ֶע ֶרב טֹוב
HA’MATZAV? ?ָמה ַה ַמ ָצב
What’s up?
Yoel Fine. BESEDER. ANI _______ .ְׁב ֵס ֶדר
I want to eat. _________. _______ ֲא ִני
. _______
Orly I have spaghetti. YESH LI SPAGETI. .ֵיש ִלי ְׁס ַפ ֵג ִטי
Do you want? ATA ___________? ? _______ ַאָּתה
Yoel Spaghetti? Really? SPAGETI? BE’EMET? !?ְׁס ַפ ֵג ִטי? ָב ֱא ֶמת
Yes, I want! KEN, ANI ROTZE! ! ֲא ִני רֹו ֶצה,ֵכן
Orly Here it is… HINEH… ...ִה ֵנה
ַה ְׁס ַפ ֵג ִטי, _______
Well, is the spaghetti _____, HA’SPAGETI
__________? ? _______
Yoel Orly, your spaghetti is ORLI, HA’SPAGETI ַה ְׁס ַפ ֵג ִטי ֶש ָלְך,אֹו ְׁר ִלי
!! _______
excellent! SHELAKH ________!
Thanks. Is there more? ? _______ ֵיש.ּתֹו ָדה
TODA. YESH _______?
Orly No, there isn’t. LO, ________ ________. _______ ,ל ֹא
. _______
Yoel Oh, what a pity! OY, __________! !! _______ ,אֹוי
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. העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן