Page 140 - Physiology and Pathophysiology MNU 2024-2025 نظرى
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Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025 Level 2 Pharm D Physiology and Pathophysiology (MD303)
1. The Ventricles relax ventricular pressure < aortic pressure, pulmonary
5) Isovolumetric SL valves are closed ➔ produce the 2nd heart sound. نه يناثلا توصلا
Ventricular AV valves are still closed.
Relaxation 2. Ventricular volume remains constant since all valves are closed.
3. Volume of blood in the ventricle = ESV.
Heart Sounds (Hss)
1st heart sound = Lub لولأا توصلا 2nd heart sound = Dub ناثلا توصلا
1. Normal HSs
Closure of the AV. Values during Isovolumetric contraction Closure of the Semilunar Values during Isovolumetric relaxation
Abnormality Definition & Causes Example
1. Congenital defect. Mitral stenosis ىلارتملا نايرشلا ىف قيض
1) Defective Heart 2. Infection Mitral valve becomes thickened Impairs blood flow from left atrium
Values to left ventricle.
Blood fill left atrium ➔ cause pulmonary hypertension & emphysema.
Values do not close Aortic regurgitation عاجترا
2. Abnormal HSs
properly, and blood Aortic value incompetent ➔ due to congenital abnormality.
2) Incompetent Valves regurgitates through value The normal one-way flow of blood from the left ventricle into the aorta
Heart Murmurs
سيوك شلفقيبم flaps. is disrupted.
Blood that was ejected into the aorta flows backward into the ventricle.
(↓ S.V ➔ ↓ COP ➔↓ O2 to tissue)
Congenital in barrier Holes in septum between left & right sides of the heart.
3) Septal Defects between 2 parts of heart Blood flows from the left side to the right side. ➔ due to pressure
➔ need surgery difference [left>right]
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