Page 140 - Physiology and Pathophysiology MNU 2024-2025 نظرى
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Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025                  Level 2 Pharm D                       Physiology and Pathophysiology (MD303)
                             1. The Ventricles relax  ventricular pressure < aortic pressure, pulmonary
         5)  Isovolumetric   SL valves are closed ➔ produce the 2nd heart sound.  نه يناثلا توصلا
             Ventricular      AV valves are still closed.
             Relaxation      2. Ventricular volume remains constant since all valves are closed.

                             3. Volume of blood in the ventricle = ESV.

                                                                   Heart Sounds (Hss)

                                            1st heart sound = Lub لولأا توصلا                               2nd heart sound = Dub  ناثلا توصلا
           1. Normal HSs
                              Closure of the AV. Values during Isovolumetric contraction    Closure of the Semilunar Values during Isovolumetric relaxation

                                  Abnormality            Definition & Causes                                       Example

                                                      1. Congenital defect.                          Mitral stenosis   ىلارتملا نايرشلا ىف قيض
                               1) Defective Heart     2. Infection                  Mitral valve becomes thickened  Impairs blood flow from left atrium
                                     Values                                        to left ventricle.
                                                                                    Blood fill left atrium ➔ cause pulmonary hypertension & emphysema.
                                                      Values do not close                                 Aortic regurgitation  عاجترا
          2. Abnormal HSs
                                                      properly, and blood           Aortic value incompetent  ➔ due to congenital abnormality.
                             2) Incompetent Valves    regurgitates through value   The normal one-way flow of blood from the left ventricle into the aorta
          Heart Murmurs
                                    سيوك شلفقيبم      flaps.                       is disrupted.
                                                                                    Blood that was ejected into the aorta flows backward into the ventricle.
                                                                                                      (↓   S.V ➔ ↓ COP ➔↓  O2 to tissue)
                                                      Congenital in barrier                Holes in septum between left & right sides of the heart.

                                3) Septal Defects     between 2 parts of heart      Blood flows from the left side to the right side. ➔ due to pressure
                                                      ➔ need surgery               difference [left>right]

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