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Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025 Level 2 Pharm D Physiology and Pathophysiology (MD303)
2) Relation between stroke & cardiac output & venous return
Stroke volume Definition Volume of blood pumped by the ventricle / beat.
(SV) SV = End diastolic Volume (EDV) - End systolic volume (ESU) = 135ml - 65ml = 70ml
Cardiac Definition The rate at which blood is pumped from ventricle. /Min [i.e. CO = the volume of blood pumped/min by each
Output ventricle.
(CO) C0 = SV X HR = 70 X 70 = [4900 ml] 5 liter/min
In Steady State COP of left Heart (The systemic blood flow) = Cardiac Output of the right heart (the Pulmonary blood
SV or HR CO & SV or HR C0
Definition The rate at which blood is returned to the atria/ min [The greater the VR The greater the CO]
VR EDV Ventricular muscle length = stretch Contractility SV CO
An of TPR cause a in both CO & VR
In Steady State VR to right atrium = VR to left atrium = COP from Left ventricle
Factors affecting cardiac output مهم
Factor Definition & Relation
1. Contractility (directly) ↑contractility ➔ ↑ SV ➔ ↑ COP
It is the load on heart before contraction & equals to EDV.
2. Preload (EDV)
SA is directly proportional to preload. [↑ EDV ➔ ↑ COP]
directly proportional
EDV Stretches ventricular muscle fibers Strength of
ضابقنلاا لبق دوهجملا
ventricular contraction
load on heart after contraction ➔
3. Afterload Or pressure against which the ventricle pumps blood
و نيطبلا لباقيب يللا طغضلا After load = total Peripheral Resistance =(arterial pressure)
ضبقني وه SV is inversely proportional to after load.
An after load [↑ arterial pressure or ↑ TPR] ➔ in SV ➔ ↓
4. Venous return Venous return ➔ EDV ➔ ventricular muscle length ➔ contractility➔ SV ➔ CO
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