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Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025                  Level 2 Pharm D                       Physiology and Pathophysiology (MD303)

                        Epithelium                                           The pleura

           All the conducting airways are lined     Double-walled sac encloses each lung.

             with ciliated epithelium with some       The visceral pleura     parietal      The pleural space
             mucus-secreting cells.                                            pleura

           The cilia beat upward at frequencies      membrane             lines the       space in between

             600-900 beats/minute  continuously      adhered to the       walls of the    the two layers 

             move the mucus away from the             external surface of  thoracic        filled with pleural
             respiratory zone toward the pharynx      the lungs            cavity.         fluid:

              removes inhaled particles from the
                                                     a.  Lubricates the membranes   friction between the

                                                     b.  Maintain lung inflation keeps the 2 layers of the pleura
          The nicotine found in cigarette smoke 
                                                        “adhered” to each other  the lungs are in contact with
            paralyzes the cilia  impairing their
                                                        the thoracic wall  fill the thoracic cavity, and remain
           ability to remove any toxic substances.

                                            Mechanics of breathing

                         Air will move from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure.

                                                  Thoracic volume

             The volume of the thoracic cavity increases during inspiration and decreases during expiration.

                                                    1-  Inspiration
        The most important muscles of inspiration:

                              Supplied by the phrenic nerves.

                              When contracts  flattens & pushes downward   the vertical dimension
                                of the thoracic cavity   thoracic volume. (Responsible for 75% of the
                                enlargement of the thoracic cavity)

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