Page 135 - pharma 1 theoretical updated MNU_Neat
P. 135

Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025                            Level 3 Pharm D                             Pharmacology 1 (PO 502)

                                              Mechanism of action

                           Class                                  Mechanism of action

                                                 Moderate block Na+ channels → slows phase 0
                        Quinidine,                  depolarization, ↓ conductivity
         IA           Procainamide               Block K+ channels→ Prolong re-polarization
                        (I.V only)
                                                    ↑ APD, ERP

                                                 Marked effect on phase 4 (↓ automaticity)
         IB             Lidocaine                May activate K channel→ Shortens phase 3
                                                    repolarization (↓ERP)

         IC  Flecainide, Propafenone             Marked slow phase 0 depolarization (↓ conductivity)

                                                 Competitively block catecholamine induced
         II            Propranolol                     stimulation of Beta-receptor
                                                 Decrease phase 4 depolarization, ↓ automaticity

         III          Dronedarone,               Prolong phase 3 repolarization (increase ERP)

                                                 Shortens action potential (increase refractory Period
         IV             Verapamil
                                                    AV node)

                                    1- Class I - Sodium-channel blockers


       ➢  Binds to sodium channels and prevents sodium influx, thus slowing the rapid upstroke
           during phase 0, inhibits potassium channels, and because of these actions, it slows
           conduction velocity.
       ➢  In addition, it has α- blocking action.

           Therapeutic        Quinidine is used in the treatment of a wide variety of arrhythmias,
                 uses         including atrial, AV junctional, and ventricular tachyarrhythmias.
                              ➢  Quinidine may increase the effects of antihypertensive,

                                 anticoagulant drugs.
                              ➢  Phenobarbital and phenytoin reduce the effect of quinidine.
             interaction      ➢  Digoxin-Quinidine increases the effects of digoxin

                                 (decrease 50% digoxin dose) since it is an inhibitor hepatic enzyme

                              ➢  SA block or arrest, high grade AV block, ventricular tachycardia

                               and hypotension.
           Adverse effects

                              ➢  Large doses of quinidine may induce the symptoms of cinchonism
                               (blurred vision, tinnitus, headache, disorientation, and psychosis).

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