Page 18 - pharma 1 theoretical updated MNU_Neat
P. 18

Clinical pharmacy 2024/2025                            Level 3 Pharm D                             Pharmacology 1 (PO 502)

                                        Autonomic Nervous System

        The nervous system is divided into:
               1-  Central nervous system (CNS).               2- Peripheral nervous system (PNS).

                                  1- The Central nervous system (CNS):

                                Brain                                          Spinal cord

           subdivided into:                                     divided into 31 segments in the
           1.  Cerebrum → consists of cerebral cortex           following regions:

              and subcortical centers (thalamus,                  Cervical region (8 segments).
              hypothalamus and basal ganglia).                    Thoracic region (12 segments).
           2.  Brain stem → (Mid brain, pons and                  Lumbar region (5 segments).

              medulla oblongata).                                 Sacral region (5 segments).
           3.  Cerebellum.                                        Coccygeal region (1 segment).

                                       2- Peripheral nervous system:

          Somatic N.S.  innervate voluntary or skeletal muscle (motor function)
                            innervate involuntary functions (smooth muscles, cardiac muscle,
                            blood vessels and glands)
           Autonomic        Consists of two divisions:
               N. S.
                                       ➢  Sympathetic (Thoracolumbar) nervous system.
                                       ➢  Parasympathetic (Craniosacral) nervous system.

                        Sympathetic N. S                                 Parasympathetic N.S.
          cells that give rise to the pre-ganglionic         3rd (Oculomotor), seventh (facial), ninth

          fiber lie in spinal cord from eighth               (glossopharyngeal) and tenth cranial
          cervical to the third lumber segment.              nerve (vagus) and the first three sacral
             ➢  These two systems communicate by releasing chemical mediators or

             ➢  The neurotransmitter released at all ganglia is Ach.

         ✓  The neurotransmitter released at the
             post-ganglionic sympathetic nerve
             ending → NE except to                         ✓  The neurotransmitter released at the

          1.  Sweat gland → post-ganglionic Nerve               post-ganglionic parasympathetic nerve
             release Ach                                        ending (smooth muscles, cardiac
          2.  adrenal medulla → Preganglionic                   muscle and gland) is Ach.

             release Ach act on N receptor ➔
             release E

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