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Fresh Thoughts

                                          THE BIRTHDAY BOOK CLUB


         Research has shown that children who are surrounded by
         books become better readers than those who aren’t. The
         Birthday Book Club is a fun way to honour Birthday’s, while
         also  giving  back  to  the  school  library.  On  birthdays,
         customary  practice  is  to  distribute  sweets  to  friends  in
         school. We, at SBSM, urge children to do donate a book to
         the school library instead – this will strengthen the library
         and in turn children will have access to many more books.
         Any story book – a novel, thriller, classic, historical, fiction,
         fantasy, magical realism, realistic literature, etc. is welcome.

                           Go Green

                                                            “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone
                                                            else  will  save  it.”  The  Go  Green  Initiative  in  SBSM,  is  a
                                                            program in its infancy stage that teaches kids how their
                                                            actions  effect  the  environment  on  every  level  and  what
                                                            they  can  do  to  reduce  this  impact.    It  helps  to  educate
                                                            students, teachers and parents to be more environmentally
                                                            conscious. Students learn to care for their environment in
                                                            ways that will help shape their future. As SBSM goes “Go
                                                            Green”, more students are given the opportunity to learn
                                                            first-hand  about  their  impact  on  the  world.  Solar  Panels
                                                            have been installed in SBSM to further this initiative. We
                                                            have installed 64 solar panels, capacity 30kw and we hope
                                                            to generate 120 units of electricity per day 3600 units per
                    Mujhe Apna Bana Lo                      month. A water meter has been fixed and monitored to see
                                                            the  amount  of  water  consumed  per  day.  Children  are
                 SBSM’s Social Service Club                 encouraged  to  donate  different  types  of  plants  for  this
        “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a    project.  SBSM  hopes  to  work  on  few  parameters  like
        time and always start with the person nearest you.”  -   Biodiversity,  Water  Conservation,  Waste  Management,
        Mother Teresa.It has been rightly said that feeding the   Energy Efficiency and Air Quality in the coming months.
        needy is like serving God. SBSM has taken up a new
        initiative  called  donate  a  meal  (one  meal  per
        month/week per  child)  for  the  underprivileged. We
        want  our  children  to  be  aware  of  the  joy  of  giving,
        helping  others  and  the  importance  of  not  wasting
        food.  This  will  sensitize  them  towards  the  needs  of
        others.    We  have  placed  two  steel  drums  near  the
        Robotics Lab. Children of all classes drop rice in these
        drums. Any quantity, any variety of rice is welcome.
        This is sent to Orphanages and Old age  homes at the
        end of each fortnight through the social service club
        members of SBSM. Even one handful of rice per day
        per child will make a lot of difference to those in need.
        A certificate is given to all those who donate. If each
        privileged  child  does  this  then  no  underprivileged
        person  will  sleep  on  an  empty  stomach.  We  have
        r e c e i v e d   t h e   f u l l e s t   c o - o p e r a t i o n   a n d
        encouragement, for this initiative, from parents and
        we look forward to their unstinting support as always.

                        COME FORWARD !
                    HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE !
                        UNDERPRIVILEGED !
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