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KG Colours Day
“Colour possess a language without words"
Red colour day – “Radiant Red”
"Red represents passion, courage, energy, warmth, action
and attraction". Prekg students kick started their
academic activities with “Radiant Red”, on Friday, the 1 of
July, 2022. The day started off with ribbon cutting by our
beloved Principal and with colour red everywhere. Red
dress, Red Rose, Red Teddy, Red Car, Red Apples, Red
Yellow colour day – “Yoo-Hoo Yellow”
Shades of yellow stimulates the little ones with happiness,
energy and optimism.” With an objective to recapitulate and
reinforce the effects of yellow colour, Prekg students
celebrated “Yoo-Hoo Yellow" - Yellow Colour Day" on Friday,
15 of July, 2022. Children were not only beautifully dressed in
their favourite yellow, they also moulded the yellow clay as sun
and laddoos, did squeezing the sponges activity in yellow water,
jumped and grabbed the yellow balls and danced in merriment.
Pink colour day - “Pretty Pink”
The good effects of pink kindles friendship, harmony
and affection”
“Pretty Pink” - Pink Day was celebrated by the UKG
kids on Friday, 22 of July, 2022, to acquaint the little
ones, with the concept of pink colour through fun filled
Blue Colour Day –“Beaming Blue“
"Blue has no dimensions. It is beyond dimensions". “Beaming
Blue” Day conducted on 29 July, 2022. Children exhibited their
learning awareness of the colour Blue, through various activities
such as catching the blue fish, matching activity and musical
chair game (sitting only on the blue chair).
Green Colour Day – “Gleeful Green”
Green is the most common colour in the natural world, think
of nature and see green in all its glory expressing renewal, life
and energy.
KG “Gleeful Green” – Green colour day was celebrated on
Thursday, 4 of August, 2022. To provide sensory experience
to our kids for exploring this colour, colour mixing activity of
yellow and blue colour was done, vegetable printing, sorting
green balls, leaf sticking, feeding the bunny with green
vegetables, tossing the green ring activities were also
conducted. Children spoke about the significance of green in
our National flag, Rainbow, traffic signal, eating on banana
leaf and eating green fruits and vegetables.