Page 9 - 2022 - Altiora Vol 74
P. 9

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                                                  T OURNAMENT                    OF     MINDS                 |  9
                                                  TOURNAMENT OF MINDS

        BMGS REA     CHES T    oM ST  A TE FINALS

        In August, BMGS fielded six enthusiastic ToM    teams won their discipline and qualified for the
        teams at the Sydney West Regional Tournament    State Final, which was held at the University of
        of Minds.  It was exciting to return to a face-  NSW on 11th September.
        to-face format after two years of participating   At the State Final, the team had just three hours
                                                        to devise a creative solution to a previously
        Tournament of Minds is a demanding co-          unseen Language Literature Challenge entirely
        curricular program in which creativity,         on their own.  Additionally, they were visited by
        collaborative skills and reliability are developed   judges during this time to face a Spontaneous
        and rewarded.                                   Challenge.  This year’s 3-hour Challenge involved
                                                        creating a nonsense poem inspired by Lewis
        Teams of seven students had spent six intense
        weeks collaborating on the development of a     Carroll’s ‘Jabberwocky’, incorporating a range
                                                        of specific literary devices, and presenting it
        creative solution to an open-ended Challenge
        in their choice of discipline. A great deal of   dramatically in a believable context that involved
                                                        the development of characters, as well as many
        time and effort had gone into preparing ten-
        minute dramatic presentations that thoroughly   other elements!
        addressed the scoring criteria, and team        Following their presentation, our team members
        members are to be congratulated on their        confidently answered questions from the judges
        commitment and determination.                   about aspects of their solution. Afterwards,
        In addition to the Long-Term Challenge, teams   they watched and learned from other teams’
        contested a Spontaneous Challenge on the day,   performances, and responded enthusiastically to
        during which they had four minutes to generate   the invitation to get on the microphone and share
        clever, creative ideas to solve a previously unseen   jokes with the room in between presentations!
        problem. Teams were judged on their teamwork    At the Awards Ceremony in the evening, it was
        and thinking processes as well as the quality of   absolutely thrilling that our team was awarded
        their responses.                                Tournament Honours for Primary Language
                                                        Literature, meaning that they were one of the top
        It was a hugely successful day for BMGS,
        with all teams performing extremely well and    three teams in the State in this discipline.
        receiving positive feedback from the judges. Our   We thank our ToM facilitators, Dr Elissa Drew
        Secondary Language Literature and Secondary     and Mrs Katie Walters, for continuing to provide
        Arts teams were awarded Tournament Honours,     this excellent, challenging opportunity for the
        and one of our Primary Language Literature      agile minds of our students.

        Pictured clockwise from
        Pictured clockwise from
                 owe, Simeon Gee,
        left:  Elise Lowe, Simeon Gee,
        left:  Elise L
        Lorence Hampartzoumian,
        L orence Hampartzoumian,
        Clare Stewart, Mikhaela
        Clare Stewart, Mikhaela
        Sommerville, Eva Tilley,and
        Sommerville, Eva Tille
        Carlia Diskin.
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