Page 2 - 2019 - Altiora Vol 71 Sem 2
P. 2


                                                                In order to achieve this we seek to nurture “the
                                                                character, knowledge and capabilities our students
                                                                need to excel in learning and to live ‘Ad Altiora’ – to
                                                                the highest”.
                                                                To serve this purpose we have developed our Ad
                                                                Altiora Framework for Learning and Life. Centred
                                                                on the ship in the School’s crest, it describes
                                                                the type of young people we seek to nurture;
                                                                formidable people inclined and equipped to live
                                                                life to the highest, striving optimistically for a
                                                                better future. The clarity this resource provides
                                                                will enable the School to be even more intentional
                                                                in working with parents and students to nurture
                                                                in each young person a strong identity, high ideals
                                                                and tenacious grit. It identifies the backbone of
                                                                integrity, purpose and adaptability that comprise
                                                                a strong identity, the high ideals of love, hope
                                                                and faith that make our lives worthwhile and the
                                                                traits of courage, reflection and perseverance that
                                                                give people the tenacious grit that makes them

         The first year of Blue Mountains Grammar School’s      unstoppable. Our framework will also assist us as
                                                                we seek to grow a broad suite of capabilities that
         second Century was most eventful. It afforded me
         the opportunity to participate in many of the fine     will ensure students become powerful learners
         events and high quality programs that constitute       and equip them for the challenges of life. Broadly,
         the life of our wonderful school. During these         we seek to train our students to engage strongly in
                                                                their world, think powerfully, relate effectively to
         occasions, I discovered many of the close and
         mutually respectful relationships that are the         others and harness their creativity.
         cornerstone of our School community and the            The implementation of our Ad Altiora Framework
         means by which we uphold the academic rigour           for Learning and Life is just one of the goals of
         that sustains high standards in all areas. I saw       the School improvement initiative launched in
         much evidence of the academic excellence that          2019, titled Vision 2020 and Beyond, in which we
         is the hallmark of a Blue Mountains Grammar            elaborate five community priorities.
         School education. I enjoyed sharing in the fruit of    The first of these is Relationships because we
         the extensive sport and co-curricular offering that    are committed to people flourishing in a network
         provides opportunities for our students to explore     of rich, positive, open and inclusive connections
         their passions and develop a range of skills and       with their family and friends, within the School
         interests. Together these components enable our        and with our community. Of course, we want
         students to grow in the character and capability       our students to embrace people from diverse
         that will enable them to thrive in our complex 21st    backgrounds, worldviews and lifestyles. Our focus
         Century world.
                                                                on Authenticity derives from our commitment to
         Both at and between these many outstanding             people flourishing. We believe our students will
         events I had the opportunity to hear the               do so when they experience personal wellbeing,
         perspectives of many members of our community.         are motivated by purpose, live with integrity and
         In doing so, I discovered a community that             have authentic connections to their community
         is aspirational for its young people; for their        and their locality. We are also committed to the
         wellbeing, their growing capabilities, their           pursuit of excellence and embrace a culture of
         academic outcomes and their achievements more          Innovation in all areas of School operation. For this
         broadly. I came to know an expert and committed        reason, we will strengthen the scope and depth of
         staff team; forward thinking, innovative and highly    our research, extend our networks and introduce
         engaged professionals who every day make a             practices that maximise progress towards our
         profound difference in our students’ lives.            priorities. We will also focus on Support because
         Comprehending these many perspectives and,             we are committed to empowering individuals on
                                                                the foundations of clarity, consistency, efficiency
         most importantly, the commonalities between
         them provided the School executive with the            and accountability.
         insight to distil a fresh vision for our young people   Therefore, we seek and listen to feedback and
         and our School. This vision is that our young people   implement well-considered and responsive
         leave us with “hope in their hearts, purpose in their   systems that support our focus on learning.
         minds, courage in their lives”.
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