Page 6 - 2019 - Altiora Vol 71 Sem 2
P. 6
Our students in Year 12, 2019 have Authority (NESA) for the exemplary
achieved a magnificent set of Higher School standard of work they achieved through
Certificate results, very much in keeping their HSC major works: Miriam Cooney’s
with the excellent standards consistently Music 2 performance (Oboe) and Annabelle
recorded by our students over many years. Huston’s Music 1 performance (Flute) were
We are proud of the way they have worked both nominated for inclusion in the HSC
throughout their years at the School. The Music Showcase, Encore.
culture of thinking and learning they have Further, Miriam’s absorbing Drama
fostered, together with the resilience and Individual Performance, from Dear Evan
work ethic they have developed, will hold Hansen, and James Barrell’s remarkable
them in great stead for life beyond school. Drama Individual Performance, a self-
devised piece, drawing excerpts from
Dux of Year 12, with an ATAR of 96.50, several Shakespearean works, were both Benjamin Filla (Dux)
was Benjamin Filla, who achieved Band 6 nominated for inclusion in OnSTAGE.
(or E4) results in Biology, Mathematics 2
Unit and Physics. Proxime Accessit was These results reflect our students’
Lasse Sweetland, with an ATAR of 96.20, aspirations to achieve their best, and the
who achieved Band 6 (or E4) results dedicated and professional support they
in Engineering Studies, Mathematics receive from the teaching and wellbeing
Extension 1 and Physics. Staff at BMGS.
In the Sydney Morning Herald Honour Roll A full overview of our students’ results will
of Band 6 students (students who gained be published in our annual HSC Review
a mark of 90 or more in a 2 Unit course, in February.
or 45 or more in an Extension or 1 Unit
course) BMGS gained 27 mentions from
18 students, in 16 out of 33 HSC courses Lasse Sweetland
studied at the School. This equates to 25% (Proxime Accessit)
of the students in Year 12 gaining at least
one Band 6 or Extension E4 result. Equally
noteworthy is that, overall, 79% of our Year
12 cohort achieved one or more Band 5 or
6 result.
A number of courses have recorded several
times the state averages of students in
Band 5 and Band 6 results.
These are outstanding achievements for a
non-selective school that caters for a broad
range of students’ academic interests.
Miriam Cooney James Barrell (nominated Annabelle Huston
Three students received acknowledgement (nominated for OnStage for OnStage) (nominated for ENCORE)
from the National Education Standard and ENCORE)
At the 2019 Valedictory Dinner, held in
September at the Fairmont Resort, Mr.
Maynard (Headmaster) awarded Gold
Colours to Bronte Pickering (pictured
right), for Athletics, and to Miriam Cooney
(pictured far right), for Music.
Gold Colours are the highest award the
School can bestow, and they acknowledge a
student’s involvement, contribution and level
of attainment (State or higher) in his or her
chosen field of endeavour. They must also be
exemplary role models for younger students
within these activities, and at all times uphold
the honour of the School. Mr Maynard with Bronte Pickering Mr Maynard with Miriam Cooney