Page 5 - 2019 - Altiora Vol 71 Sem 2
P. 5

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         The team has created a video of their         Giving back to the School, and passing on
         journey from the very first regional          their now considerable knowledge in the F1
         competition round through  to the World       competition, the team also taught a series of
         Championships, which can be found on          lessons to our Junior School and Preparatory
         YouTube by searching the title:  “The Best Of   School students. giving their younger peers
         F1 In Schools - Thrust Vector/Paradoxum”.     the opportunity to participate in mini-F1
         In September, during their preparation        STEM activities.
         period, team member Nicholas Hayes            The challenges they set included designing
         took part in the Pacific 2019 conference,     an innovative race car, generating team
         representing his team Paradoxum.              branding and testing their reaction times.
         Together with other international finalists,   The results from our youngest STEM
         he met the Honorable Minister for Defence,    devotees was impressive, and the delivery
         Ms Melissa Price, and tried his hand at a     of STEM programs within the School’s
         ship simulator.                               curriculum continues to be a distinctive
                                                       feature of a BMGS education.
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