Page 22 - 2021 - Altiora Vol 73 Sem 1 and 2
P. 22

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    22 |          THE PERFORMING ARTS
                  THE PERFORMING AR
          YEAR 10 FILMMAKERS PR           O  VE THEMSEL      VES AMONG THE BEST IN A            USTRALIA

          In October, the Drama Department celebrated the exciting news that BMGS has again had two films placed
          on the shortlist for the Bell Shakespeare Shorts Film Festival, and as such were national finalists.  The
          challenge, undertaken by our Year 10 Drama students, was to retell or reimagine Shakespeare on film.
          We congratulate Will Gee, Ras Darwin, Parag Datta and Trinity Camilleri for their film, War of the Roses
          - The Untold House (a scene from the film is shown above), and Jack Napier Rowney, Brynn Gerrard,
          Rowan Elliot, Skye Wiseman, Angus Herron, Charlie Burgess, Ava Adams, Ana Swait, Reagan Lloyd, Richard
          Cunningham, Ellie Molla, Eva Passlow, Jayden Gibson, Layla Davis and Luca Saunders for their film, There
          Will Be Blood.
          This was an outstanding result for BMGS, as we were the only School listed twice on the shortlist, from our
          total submissions of twelve films.  This is also the second successive year BMGS has featured in the shortlist
          of this prestigious competition.

             C WORK EXPERIENCE
          In September, Scarlett Quain (Year 11) and Josephine Hill (Year 10) were selected from
          a vast number of applicants statewide, to participate in Sydney Theatre Company’s 2021
          Online Work Experience Week, from 28  September to 1  October.
          Scarlett and Josie joined the small, select group based on their ‘outstanding ability to
          demonstrate creativity, enthusiasm and a unique understanding of the challenges and
          opportunities of working in a theatre company’. Over the course of a four-day, online
          program, Scarlett and Josie were involved in a mixture of panels, discussions, presentations
          and interactive, creative workshops that explore all facets of the theatre company - from
          directing and acting to marketing and design to scriptwriting and technical production.
          To have both of our School’s applicants invited to join such a select group is an outstanding
          outcome, reflecting the strength of Performing Arts and the talents of the Drama students
          at our School.  Pictured top left, Scarlett Quain, and left, Josephine Hill.
          PREMIERING A
                             T THE JO
          It was a busy year for Josie (above), who successfully auditioned for the Australian
          Theatre for Young People (ATYP) and was awarded the role of Jules in their production of
          Lights In The Park.
          Winner of the 2018 Senior ATYP Foundation Commission, Lights in the Park is published
          by Playlab. The Commission develops a new play each year to showcase the skills of actors
          14 to 17 years of age.  This production premiered at The Joan (Q Theatre, Penrith) in May
          with the play - and Josie! - receiving excellent reviews.
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