Page 24 - 2021 - Altiora Vol 73 Sem 1 and 2
P. 24

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   24 |          VISUAL ARTS
                          AL AR
               AL AR
                      TS BUND
                                  ANON TRIP
         I never know what to expect on camping trips, but I   challenges that helped me gain greater insight into
         thoroughly enjoyed our Year 10/11 Art Camp, for a    myself and my own personal style of art-making. We
         variety of reasons. When we arrived at Bundanon,     had two amazing camp leaders, Mary and Leanne, and
         the home and studio of Arthur Boyd, we were given a   a wonderful group of fellow artists who encouraged
         tour of the property, and learnt all about the history   each other when we were struggling, and this made
         and past events that took place there. Art has been   us feel like amazing artists. This kind of positivity and
         made at Bundanon for many decades, from a variety    friendship within our group helped us all to thrive.
         of different artists, so it was an honour to be able   I think art camp was an extremely valuable
         to contribute to the range of unique and exquisite   experience because our whole art class came away
         artworks created on the property.
                                                              with new confidence in our art abilities. We saw
         In the first art-making workshop, we were asked to   the development of our own styles and had the
         create a large charcoal drawing of our own personal   opportunity to build our skills and techniques working
         perception of the local landscape’s flora. It was really   in and from nature.
         freeing to be able to experiment with different grades   Ellie Molla, Year 10
                                                              Ellie Molla, Y
                                                                          ear 10
         of charcoal and create art in the open air instead of at
         a desk in the classroom. This activity was the perfect   The Year 11 students’ experience at Bundanon was
         introduction to the theme of the camp, which was to   similar, yet different from the Year 10’s experience.
         experiment with different art styles and techniques in   We attended the same charcoal workshop on the first
         nature and find or create a style of our own.        afternoon, and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the plein-
                                                              air work; it was a fun break from classwork.
         On the second day we made an ink painting of rocks
         across from the river; we also used nature for some   The second day was where our course differed, as
         of our materials, including water from the river, reeds   we spent the morning working on a series of plein-
         and sticks. This style of artwork really challenged me   air studies on the river bank of Pulpit Rock and the
         because we couldn’t erase  any lines we made on the   surrounding environment.  Throughout the morning,
         paper. By the end of the experience, I think this was a   we used felt-tip pens and water colour to create a
         positive aspect because it really allowed me to create   small body of work that focused on zooming in and out
         art more freely; I just accepted that it was not going   of a subject, working with scale and in new styles and
         to look perfect and precise, so I really just had fun   using different techniques to explore the same subject
         interpreting the landscape and experimenting with    matter. This was a highly valuable experience and it
         different techniques to create the final composition.   gave us a grounding in developing a body of work,
         In the end, I actually preferred it even more to my   something that will be essential next year in the HSC.
         charcoal drawing, where we were given the option to   Overall, the art camp experience was, again, a pleasure.
         erase and work back into areas.                      The instructors and teachers gave us lots of creative
         The camp was designed to build and test our creative   freedom.
                                                                               ear 11
                                                                  er Stephens, Y
         abilities with a lot of fun challenges. It was these   Oliver Stephens, Year 11
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