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P. 10

What are the types of narrative


               There are quite a lot of types of Narrative Text.

               However, it seems you are quite familiar with these
               types. Generally, there are several types of narrative
               texts that you have often heard from an early age until
               now. Let's discuss one by one!

                   1.  Fairy tales

                       Fairytales is a fantasy or unreal story genre. Fairytales are usually in the
                       form of folk tales or children's stories whose story is surrounded in magic
                       that does not exist in the real world. Example: Snow White, Thumbelina,
                       Rapunzel, and Cinderella.
                   2.  Folktale/Folklore
                       Have a meaning that is almost same with fairytales, folktale or folklore is

                       folklore that is hereditary from ancient times which is believed by
                       ancestors. In addition, this folktale is usually spread by word of mouth in
                       the community, so that it will be passed down from generation to
                       generation until it becomes part of the community's tradition. Example:
                       Malin Kundang, Timun mas, and Lake Toba.

                   3.  Legends
                       Legend is a legendary story that comes from a combination of fairy tale
                       and folktale. Legend is a folk tale that many people consider real because it
                       has heroic content in it. Generally, legends tell about how the origin of a
                       place can be formed. Example is the Story of Lake Toba, The Legend of

                   4.  Myths
                       This type of narrative text is not much different from folktale. However,
                       the difference is that sometimes myths can also be found in today's life.
                       Usually people think that mythical stories really happen, for example the

                       story of Aji Saka and Dewata Cengkar.
                   5.  Science fiction
                       Science fiction, commonly abbreviated as Sci-Fi, is a story about science
                       fiction. This type of text usually deals with imaginative and future concepts
                       using advanced science and technology.
                   6.  Romance

                                                   E-Book / 9th Grade – Narrative Text[NAMA PENULIS]  7
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