Page 13 - E-book (2)_merged
P. 13

The following is the arrangement of conflicts in Narrative Text:

                   -  Problem, which is a paragraph or sentence
                       that begins to lead to the problem of the story.
                   -  Conflict, after a problem arises, it will lead to

                       something more complex, then the story will
                       continue with conflict. In this section, the
                       audience will be curious about what happened
                       between one character and another.

                   -  Climax, namely the peak of the conflict or the
                       problem begins to heat up and become tense which becomes the main focus
                       in the narrative text.

                   -  Anti-climax, this section is also known as conflict reduction. So, the conflict
                       will decrease slowly and almost find a bright spot in the problem.
                   -  Solution, as the name implies, is a solution, then the paragraph in the
                       solution section will explain the resolution of the conflict that has been

                       described previously.

               Complications are divided into three conflicts, namely:

                     Natural conflict = natural conflict or between universes.
                     Social conflict = conflict between characters or actors.
                     Psychological conflict = inner conflict or self.

                   1)  Simple Past Tense

               Why use the simple past tense? Because, the entire narrative text must be a story
               that has happened before or a story in the past. The simple past tense is also
               synonymous with showing an activity or event in the past. So the tenses most
               commonly used in narrative text are the past tense with the change in the verb form
               to Verb 2. Let’s check below:

                                                   E-Book / 9th Grade – Narrative Text[NAMA PENULIS]   1
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