Page 112 - NEMOVISTA HANDBOOK 2020-21_Neat
P. 112

dropping off after 8:05 (This is considered tardy), you must bring your child to the office and sign them in.
                        Students being picked up downstairs must stay on the steps with the supervisor until they have been released by the
                   Passes and Permits
                   DIFFERENT BUS, OR BE PICKED UP AFTER SCHOOL.  Parents are welcome to call the office, and a note will be
                   taken to the teacher.  The child will give the note to the bus driver or the afternoon pick-up duty personnel.  WE
                   CANNOT GO ON THE CHILD’S WORD.
                        A student WILL NOT be allowed to leave school during the school day without prior permission from parents or
                   guardians.  A phone call or signed note is required prior to departure of the student.
                        No student shall be taken from the school campus by anyone except a person who has a legal right to the child’s
                   custody or permission has been granted by legal guardian.  Please file custody papers in the appropriate office(s).
                        No student may be sent on errands away from the school campus except by permission of the principal.
                        (Elementary) Students who are going to be picked up early should give their teacher a note first thing in the morning
                   to allow the teacher an opportunity to have the student ready to go.

                   Students’ Vehicles
                   School Board Policy 4.33 --- Student’s Vehicles
                        A student who has presented a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance to the appropriate office personnel may
                   drive his/her vehicle to school.  Vehicles driven to school shall be parked in the area designated for student parking.
                   Parking on school property is a privilege which may denied to a student for any disciplinary violation, at the discretion
                   of the student’s building principal.
                        Students are not permitted to loiter in parking areas and are not to return to their vehicles for any reason unless given
                   permission to do so by school personnel.
                        It is understood that here is no expectation of privacy in vehicles in parking areas.  Drivers of vehicles parked on a
                   school campus will be held accountable for illegal substances or any other item prohibited by District policy found in
                   their vehicle.  The act of a student parking a vehicle on campus is a grant of permission for school or law enforcement
                   authorities to search that vehicle.

                   Date Adopted:  June 2013

                   Vehicle Permit:  Obtain parking permit form from principal’s office
                        Cars and other motorized vehicles may be brought to school.  Violations of any rule concerning motorized vehicles,
                   or  operation  of  vehicle  in  an  unsafe  or  illegal  manner  will  result  in  loss  of  campus  driving  privileges  or  other
                   disciplinary action.  All operations of cars and trucks must be licensed by the State of Arkansas and liability for the
                   vehicle must be in force.  Students are not to visit with anyone driving campus without permits.  Motorcycle operators
                   must have liability insurance in force.  Car radios shall not be played on the school campus.  The speed limit for all
                   motorized vehicles is five (5) miles per hours on campus.  Students shall not sit in parked cars for any reason before or
                   during the day.
                        The  Nemo  Vista  School  Board,  acting  for  the  safety  and  best  interest  of  all  the  children  has  formulated  and
                   approved the following student driving regulations, which must be strictly adhered to by all student who drive vehicles
                   on campus.
                       1.  Students must hold a valid, non-restricted driver’s license.
                       2.  Students are to park vehicles immediately upon arrival at school in the student parking area.  The student
                          parking area is the east side of the gym.
                       3.  No  student  may  return  to  the  student  parking  lot  during  the  day  without  special  permission  from  the
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