Page 117 - NEMOVISTA HANDBOOK 2020-21_Neat
P. 117

Emergency Drills
                   School Board Policy – 4.37 Emergency Drills
                        All schools in the District shall conduct fire drills at least monthly. Tornado drills shall also be conducted not fewer
                   than three (3) times per year with at least one each in the months of September, January, and February.  Students, who
                   ride school buses, shall also participate in emergency evacuation drills at least twice each year.
                       The  District  shall  annual  conduct  an  active  shooter drill  and school  safety  assessment  for  all  District  schools  in
                   collaboration with local law enforcement and emergency management personnel.  The training will include a lockdown
                   exercise  with  panic  button  alert  system  training.    Students  will  be  included  in  the  drills  to  the  extent  that  is
                   developmentally appropriate to the age of both the students and grade configuration of the school.
                        Drills may be conducted during the instructional day or during non-instructional time periods.
                         Other types of emergency drills may also be conducted to test the implementation of the District’s emergency plans
                   in the event of violence, terrorist attack, natural disaster, other emergency, or the District’s Panic Button Alert System.
                   Students shall be included in the drills to the extent practicable.

                   Legal Reference:  A.C.A. § 12-13-109
                                                 A.C.A. § 6-10-110
                                                 A.C.A. § 6-10-121
                                        A.C.A. § 6-15-1302
                                                 A.C.A. § 6-15-1303
                                        A.C.A. § 6-15-1304
                                                 Ark. Division of Academic Facilities and Transportation Rules Governing Maintenance and
                                                 Operations of Ark. Public School Buses and Physical Examinations of School Bus Drivers 4.03.1

                   Date Adopted: Oct. 2010
                   Last Revised:  May 2020

                   Field Trips and Class Trips
                        Written permission must be obtained from a parent or guardian of each student before students are taken on school
                        All student trips, and the arrangements for them, must have the approval of the school principal.
                        Each trip must be adequately supervised so that safety and good discipline may be maintained.
                        The time of departure, itinerary, and the estimated time of return shall be announced in advance.
                        All students traveling on a school trip by school sponsored transportation must make the return trip by the same
                   transportation unless prior approval has been given by the principal.
                        Adult Chaperones may ride the bus if space is available.

                   Religion in the School
                   School Board Policy – 5.10 Religion in the School
                        The First Amendment of the Constitution states that "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of
                   religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. .  ." As the Supreme Court has stated (Abington School District v,
                   Schempp, 374 U.S. 203) the Amendment thus, "embraces two concepts-freedom to believe and freedom to act.  The
                   first is absolute but, in the nature of things, the second cannot be." Therefore, it is the Board's policy that the school
                   system, as an agency of the government, shall be neutral in matters regarding religion and will not engage in any
                   activity that either advocates or disparages religion. The District shall assume no role or responsibility for the religious
                   training of any student.
                        The need for neutrality does not diminish our school system's educational responsibility to address the historical role
                   of religion in the development of our culture. Since we live in a diverse society, the District's goal shall be to address
                   the subject of religion objectively in such a way that it promotes an understanding of, and tolerance for, each other's
                   religious or non-religious views.
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