Page 116 - NEMOVISTA HANDBOOK 2020-21_Neat
P. 116

distribution if there is evidence that reasonably supports a forecast that a substantial disruption of the orderly operation
                   of the school or educational environment will likely result from the distribution.  Concerns related to any denial of
                   distribution by the principal shall be heard by the superintendent, whose decision shall be final.
                        The school principal or designee shall establish reasonable regulations governing the time, place, and manner of
                   student distribution of non-school materials.
                        The regulations shall:
                       1.  Be narrowly drawn to promote orderly administration of school activities by preventing disruption and may
                          not be designed to stifle expression;
                       2.  Be uniformly applied to all forms of non-school materials;
                       3.  Allow no interference with classes or school activities;
                       4.  Specify times, places, and manner where distribution ma and may not occur; and
                       5.  Not inhibit a person’s right to accept or reject any literature distributed in accordance with the regulations.
                       6.  Students shall be responsible for the removal of excess literature that is left at the distribution point for more
                          than _____days.
                        The  Superintendent,  along  with  the  student  media  advisors,  shall  develop  administrative  regulations  for  the
                   implementation  of  this  policy.    The  regulations  shall  include  definitions  of  terms  and  timelines  for  the  review  of

                   Legal References:  ACA § 6-18-1202, 1203, & 1204
                                                   Tinker v. Des Moines ISD, 393 U.S. 503 (1969)
                                                   Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986)
                                                   Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988)

                   Date Adopted:  Oct.  2010
                   Last Revised:  June 2019

                   Fund Raisers
                        Arkansas  State  Law  requires  students  who  are participating  in  school  sponsored  fund  raisers  have  a  permission
                   statement signed by the parent or guardian.
                        No solicitation of funds or drives may be conducted on school premises without prior approval of the superintendent
                   of schools.

                   Inclement Weather
                        Parent(s) will notified by the Parent Notification Systems is school is to be released early for inclement weather.
                   Please alert the office of changes in phone numbers.
                        Parents should notify their child/children AND THE SCHOOL OFFICE where children are to go or get off the bus
                   if we need to dismiss school with short notice.
                        In the event of inclement weather such as snow and ice, the school will try to reach a decision by 6:30 A.M.  Parents
                   and students should listen to KVOM Morrilton, or watch Channels 4, 7, 11 (Little Rock) to determine if we will have
                   school or not on that particular day.
                     If it becomes necessary to dismiss school during the day, the school will call radio station KVOM, Morrilton, to
                   announce when we are dismissing.  Parents who will not be home during the day need to make sure their child/children
                   know where to go if school is dismissed early.
                        An inclement weather form must be filled out in the office.

                   AMI (Alternative Method of Instruction) Day(s)
                        Alternative methods of instruction day(s) may be used in the event of inclement weather or other circumstances that
                   may prevent physical attendance of school.  In these circumstances parents will be notified if the day will be considered
                   an AMI day.  During AMI days students will be expected to complete assignments delivered either electronically or
                   previously delivered take-home packets.  Failure to comply with the AMI policy may result in the student being
                   considered absent for the AMI day.
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